Take Action

Actions for a Healthy Planet - from the United Nations

Current Actions

Ask our candidates for Congress whether they will support zero-waste initiatives and the transition to a genuine circular economy

A bill supporting pyrolysis (aka ‘advanced recycling’ or ‘chemical recycling’) has been introduced in the U.S. Congress: 

https://www.wastedive.com/news/tracking-the-future-of-us-recycling-policy-in-congress/570778/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Issue: 2024-09-20 Waste Dive Newsletter [issue:66084]&utm_term=Waste Dive

Rep. Kuster promoted a pyrolysis project in Groveton, NH the project has not been a success.  N.H. welcomes ‘advanced recycling’ of plastics | Energy News Network

Ask our candidates for Congress whether they will support zero-waste initiatives and the transition to a genuine circular economy when it comes to resource management and reducing risk to public health and the environment. 

It is imperative that they reject the American Chemistry Council’s efforts to promote this new polluting technology at the federal level. 

Here is a better bill, currently before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:   S.3127 - Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2023

Text - S.3127 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2023 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

From Climate Action Now: Tell Congress to Sustain Funds Enabling US Battery Recycling Factories

A gigantic newly expanded battery recycling factory operated by Cirba Solutions has opened in Lancaster, Ohio (at the heart of the emerging Battery Belt!) thanks to strong support from the Biden-Harris Administration. The two newly opened production lines will be able to process used consumer batteries (and scrap from U.S. battery manufacturing plants) to produce 15,000 tons of mineral-rich metal salts, known as “black mass,” per year, which can then be used to make new batteries. Next, Cirba Solutions hopes to open an additional wing by 2026 and eventually produce enough raw material to power 250,000 new EV batteries every year.

“We’re going to create a closed-loop material processing system in Lancaster, where we can return all those elements back into the domestic supply chain.” 

-David Klanecky, CEO of Cirba Solutions.

This is exactly the kind of circular economy solution that the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Battery Mineral Loop report was discussing - and it dovetails perfectly with the Biden-Harris Administration’s ongoing efforts to develop a secure American cleantech supply chain to compete with China!

“We have the opportunity to get all of these batteries, whether it is from your phone, or your laptop or your vehicle and take all that material inside, which normally we would be getting from China or other places, and re-use it…

The price of the battery is dropping as well. Cirba Solutions and what they are doing to recycle will help bring down the cost of the battery.” 

-U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm at the factory’s groundbreaking in 2023

Notably, this factory is also the first-ever project receiving funds from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (passed thanks to the hard work of Kamala Harris!) to come fully online. Spectacular work - and this could be just the beginning.

Tell Congress to sustain the BIL and IRA funds enabling U.S. battery recycling factories!


Election Resources

Here is a treasury of election resources we have collected this summer.  

Please share with others - and let us know of other information that could help us all.


Please email us at newhampshirenetwork@gmail.com

if you would like to order one, or many, many bumper stickers >>>

Contact the NH Public Utilities Commission regarding net metering! 

Background, talking points, and action steps from Clean Energy NH. Contact the PUC to let them know that net metering will help control energy costs, grow our local economy, and invest in a more sustainable future.

Virtual Phone Bank into NH

This effort is happening with both Th!rd Act from 12:00 - 1:30 PM, and clf from 6:00 - 7:30 PM on August 27th, 2024.

No experience is required.

Fact Check 

In this political season, you are going to want to keep these sites handy. Copy and paste them into your notes for quick reference. Visit them regularly. And rather than relying on one, you’ll want to use multiple fact check sites. 









Americans have survived climate-driven disasters caused by the fossil fuel industry’s disregard for our lives, health, and planet. Let AG Garland know that you support investigating these crimes by the fossil fuel industry, which have killed millions. 

Postcarding Opportunities - From Bill Coder

Hand printed postcards are a proven way to improve voter turnout, providing a practical way for small groups or even individuals to participate in collectively influencing the outcome of the coming elections at the local, state, and national levels. Several national organizations identify areas where the best opportunities for engagement make a difference in outcomes. Lists of voters are chosen strategically, potentially with an element of partisanship, while the messaging to be entered on the postcards may be as non-partisan as “make sure to vote.” Some sponsors provide the postcards, others do not. Stamp purchases are often the responsibility of volunteers.

Here are a few opportunities to consider, starting with one aligned around environmental voters, which, in theory, need not be party-specific. The Environmental Voter Project encourages turn-out by registered voters who prioritize the environment yet are unreliable voters. They also offer phone-banking as well for “swing” states or districts. I will be checking into an orientation to their postcarding work on August 1 (EVP orientation) to find out if they are providing blank postcards and what their geographic targets are. 

The Progressive Turnout Project provides postcards and lists that cover “swing states” and selected Congressional Districts, including both NH districts (see Progressive Turnout Project ). My sense is that improving the turnout of “progressive” voters benefits “down-ballot” environmentally important races.

I’m holding an event on August 8 at the Nashua Library to fill out postcards with a simple get-out-the-vote message reinforced by the pre-printed image. Please contact me if interested in joining: williamcoder1@gmail.com. I’ve obtained a couple hundred cards (their minimum order) and bought stamps. 

Th!rd Act NH, a group of seniors taking action on climate and democracy issues, is partnering with Activate America. Their lists are specific to Democratic candidates in swing districts. We have the postcards, stamps, and a few venues where you can participate. For more background, see Third Act Postcarding. Through the Fall, we will be adding more opportunities, which will be listed at https://thirdact.org/new-hampshire/events/

Bill Coder

On-Going Actions - Actions that can be done anytime (right now is a good time!)

Help your library set up a Climate Display for Earth Day in April

Help your town learn more about climate change!  Ask your library if they would consider using the month around Earth Day to provide a book display about climate science and solutions.  Share bit.ly/library-climate-display with your library's events coordinator.  

TH!RD ACT Power Up Communities Campaign Launched

TH!RD ACT Power Up Communities Campaign officially launched in June with a public teach-in, which featured author Dr. Leah Stokes, Senior Policy Counsel at Rewiring America, as well as Third Act Founder, Bill McKibben and Campaign Strategist, Jeremy Friedman. If you couldn't be there, or if want to share with friends, the recording is here


How to Transform Public Utility Commissions 

Write a Letter to the Editor urging PUCs to shift to clean energy
Join a TA Working Group

Learn More and Take Action!

Note: The photo on the linked page was taken by NH Network's Dr. Reinmar Seidler and NH Network is listed as one of this group's goals for collaboration.

Action from the Union of Concerned Scientists

Carbon Cash-Back Actions!

Urge Stronger Regulation of PFAS

From Cathy Corkery of NH Sierra Club 

Please urge stronger regulation of these cancer-causing chemicals.  

The slides below show areas overwhelmed by PFAS groundwater contamination.  Note: areas that appear unaffected were not tested!  (Those areas have town water, rather than wells, which were tested.)


The air permit for the plastic factory in Merrimack, NH needs a new air permit to regulate the forever chemicals emissions. Forever chemicals, like PFOA and PFAS, are linked to lethal illnesses, neurological growth and development, and debilitating conditions. The proposal before the NH Department of Environmental Services is too weak because it allows too much pollution to escape into the air. 

We are asking people to apply some public pressure with two actions. Call the Governor and write a letter to your paper to demand better for people, our communities and the state.

Make the call 

WHEN: August 1st between 9 A.M. and 12 P.M.

Dial 603-271-7676

What to say

Hi, My name is ____ and I live in _____. I am calling as your constituent to ask that the PFAS pollution be better regulated at the Saint Gobain Plastic factory. The permit is too weak. The state should require the permit to add proven technology to further remove the cancer-causing chemicals from the smokestacks. Forever Chemicals are too dangerous to emit into the Granite State. Thank you.


Letter Writing Sample

Dear Editor,

I have read about the dangers of Forever Chemicals to human health. Forever Chemicals are linked to numerous cancers, birth defects and debilitating conditions. I learned that these toxic chemicals, called Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are added to household items, like winter jackets, carpeting and coated cooking pans, just to name a few. I have done my best to remove these types of items from my own home but I learned something new that demonstrates the enormity of the problem.

The Saint Gobain plastics factory in Merrimack, NH is asking for a new air permit without adding proven and accessible removal technology allowing them to emit the forever chemicals continuously. This is unacceptable. The PFAS emissions will travel far and wide in the air and dissipate across the state. The deposition is a real threat to public health because this factory has been emitting PFAS for decades but this is only the second time the state has regulated the PFAS.

The state will issue the final draft in the middle of August. The final permit should require Saint Gobain to contain all of the PFAS emissions and stop it from coating New Hampshire. To me PFAS is like lead and mercury – even small amounts are too much.


Letter Writing Tips

Be brief (Less than 200 words)

Stay focused on one issue; please, not two or three!

Write from the heart.

Don’t try to be funny – leave comedy to the professionals.

Be timely – reference recent news or articles


NH Department of Environmental Services PFAS webpages:
General PFAS Information:  https://www.pfas.des.nh.gov/
Link to Air Permit Proceedings: https://www.pfas.des.nh.gov/news-and-media/blog/draft-air-permit-available-public-comment
NH DES PFAS Map of groundwater testing: https://nhdes.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=66770bef141c43a98a445c54a17720e2&extent=-73.5743,42.5413,-69.6852,45.4489

Slide Presentation - July 2023

Read Roger Stephenson's Piece for the Union of Concerned Scientists: For Global Climate Success New England Must Seize Climate and Clean Energy Opportunities, Nov. 21, 2022 

Action: Tell Governor Sununu to include a specific call to action on climate resilience in his 2023 inaugural address.

Action: Tell our legislators they must fund state initiatives and programs that "reduce heat trapping emissions" to help slow the pace of climate change and make sure New Hampshire is resilient, that is, prepared to deal with the damaging effects of climate change. 

President Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency!

From 350NH

Write to President Biden and ask him to declare a Climate Emergency.

Older Actions

Call Governor Sununu and ask him to sign HB 1649 relative to PFAS

HB 1649, relative to prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAS, is sponsored by Rep. Karen Ebel and other environmental and public health champions. Help get this bill over the finish line!

Here is the final version of the bill. "This bill restricts the use of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in certain consumer products sold in New Hampshire. The bill also makes appropriations to the department of environmental services to fund an additional position and to fund the PFAS products control program. The bill further provides that funds received by the state in settlement of PFAS litigation will be deposited in the drinking water and groundwater trust fund and used to provide grants and loans to public water systems whose water sources have been impacted by PFAS above applicable standards."

After the legislature passes a bill, it needs to be officially enrolled by the Secretary of State, signed by both the Speaker and the Senate President, sent back to the Secretary of State, and then to the Governor. This process is largely administrative and cannot be tracked online, except that enrollment will appear on the docket. It can take quite a bit of time as there are no deadlines by which any step needs to be taken, except that once a bill gets to the Governor's office, he has five days to act.

Members of the public who feel strongly about bills making their way to Governor Sununu should call his office to express their opinions. They can call 603-271-2121 or 1-800-735-2964.

Help Forest Lake and the North Country

In person, attend the  "DENY The Dump" Rally on Wednesday, June 26, at 4 PM in front of the Dalton Municipal Building (before the 5 PM Army Corps informational meeting).  We need a HUGE crowd to show up, with signs, urging Army Corp to do the right thing and DENY the permit application under consideration.   Dalton Municipal Building, 756 Dalton Road, Dalton, NH  03598

Second best:  Hybrid option link:   Log into WebEx   Meeting Number: 199 945 8471

Join by video system: Dial cenae-pa@usace1.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone:  1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free;  1-669-234-1177 US Toll

Access code: 199 945 8471

AND BEFORE JULY 3, write to the US Army Corps of Engineers to deny the permit for this landfill in the middle of the Ammonoosuc River watershed right next to Forest Lake State Park.

File Number: NAE-2021-02240   Email: CENAE-R-PN-NH@usace.army.mil

Please write or call the NH Senators and ask them to support SB134 as amended! 

From Jon Swan: HB1620, the 2028 landfill moratorium bill, has been raised from the dead and given new life as a House floor amendment to Senate bill SB134.  

Reach out to both NHDES and the NH State Senate.  We need NHDES to SCRAP the proposed rule changes to Env-Sw 800, the landfill siting rules; and, we need the Senate to support the amended SB134 with floor amendment language.  NH must get it right, when and if it comes to siting and creating a new landfill, but currently, we do not need a new one, most likely not until 2050 or so, as we know now that the Waste Management Turnkey Landfill in Rochester is sure to seek expansion.  We can prevent NH from becoming Casella's solution to THEIR regional waste disposal shortfall.  

5/23/2024 NH House floor amendment to SB134.  Some GREAT testimony from Rep. Potenza & Rep. Haskins!  Video:  https://youtu.be/W2Qy858d7AE

Please write or call the NH Senators and ask them to support SB134 as amended!

NH State Senate roster: https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/senate/members/senate_roster.aspx

Also, PLEASE submit a comment to NHDES, tell them to abide by their mission statement and SCRAP the proposed revisions to the Env-Sw 800 landfill siting rules!  Written comments can be submitted until Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

Please submit comments to: swmbrules@des.nh.gov

Come to the State House on May 15th to support clean air and water laws and OPPOSE HB1623!

Clean air and water quality should not depend on where you live. HB1623, a proposal that could suspend federal clean air and water laws in the state of New Hampshire, is headed to the Senate floor for a vote this Wednesday, May 15th. Will you join us at the statehouse in Concord to show our opposition to this dangerous legislation?

HB1623 says a power plant should notify the state Department of Energy of “external regulations” that are making them retire. The bill authorizes the NH Department of Energy to open an investigation of the closure and determine if court action by the NH Department of Justice to “defend the generator” is in order. All the while, it would charge the tax-payers of New Hampshire for these state-mandated dockets. In other words, if a power plant in NH disagrees with the EPA about violating environmental laws, the state would investigate and could recommend a lawsuit against the federal government paid by NH residents. This gross misunderstanding of our system of government would result in state-by-state clean water and air laws and put your health at risk.

We recognize that not everyone will be able to make it in person on short notice. If you are not available on May 15th, can we count on you to email your legislator expressing your opposition to HB1623 by sending an email?

RSVP so we know you are coming.

Hope to see you at the State House! 

Learn About Polyvinyl Chloride and the Take Action

From Cindy Heath: Sustainable Lebanon for hosted the only NH screening of Blue Vinyl on April 29 and Christina Dubin of Beyond Plastics and the NH Network's Plastics Working Group joined for the Q & A

Here is a link for you to view the film at home if you wish (contains ads, but is free!):


Here are two links to take action on this issue:

If you’d like to learn more about the Beyond Plastics campaign to address the health and environmental threats of vinyl chloride, visit https://www.banvinylchloride.org for more information.

Need grassroots advocacy training? Here is a link to free trainings from Beyond Plastics: https://www.beyondplastics.org/training

URGENT: Contact Your State Senator TODAY to Request them to SUPPORT Senate Passage of HB 1600 this Year! 

Click for webpage of the details below.

Bill Link: House Bill 1600 ACT BEFORE NOON ON MONDAY, MAY 6TH if possible, or ASAP.

Call to Action: EMAIL & PHONE CALLS TO YOUR State SENATOR (see below for template and contact information).

Senate Passage in Jeopardy: Because of a letter from the NH Department of Energy this week opposing passage of the bill, after they were previously neutral and after the Senate hearing on the bill where there was no opposition, passage of the bill in the Senate is in doubt.

Key Points: House Bill 1600

Take action by Noon on Monday, May 6th!

before the Senate Energy Committee votes

or as soon as you can thereafter as HB 1600 won’t be voted on by the whole Senate until 5/16

Find your Senator, their email, and the State House office number here.

The Senate has a May 9th deadline for committees to report all House bills with a fiscal impact. The Senate Energy & Environment Committee may vote on the bill on May 7. We ask for a favorable Ought-to-Pass-with-Amendment (OTPA) recommendation from the Senate Energy Committee. It will likely be voted on by the full Senate on 5/16 and regardless of the Committee recommendation we may want to keep the pressure up for passage.

Sample email and phone script:

SUBJ: City/Town/County of [NAME] Supports HB 1600

Dear Senator [LAST NAME],

On behalf of [INSERT CITY/TOWN], I am writing to express strong support for HB 1600, an act relative to participation in net energy metering.

Our [CITY/TOWN], having implemented a Community Power Aggregation, is excited to have realized cost savings [INSERT AMOUNT, IF APPLICABLE] for our customers while expanding energy choices. Over the long term, we aim to realize additional benefits for our community’s electricity customers including those associated with development of local energy generation projects.

HB 1600 will improve our ability to gain local control over our energy resources by developing community generators that cost-effectively supply power directly to our residents and businesses. Community generators create local economic development benefits and bring our sources power closer to home. In doing so, we can drive down certain costs associated with over-reliance on out-of-state generators (e.g., transmission costs).

Please vote yes on HB 1600 so that together we can build a more robust local electricity market in New Hampshire to serve the needs of our energy customers.



See FAQs for additional message ideas or share your own community’s aspirations.

For more background and FAQs please visit:


After reaching out to your State Senator, please email and/or call NH DOE leadership and ask them to SUPPORT passing HB 1600 this year!

Contact NH DOE Commissioner Jared Chicoine (603-271-6505) and Deputy Commissioner Christopher Ellms, Jr. (603-271-6507) by email and phone and ask them to support passage of HB 1600 (leave a message).

Policy Brief: Current state law limits the ability of CPAs to compensate net-metered generators (also referred to as “customer-generators”) up to 1 MW in size. The only option for generators between 1 and 5 MW to participate in net metering is through Municipal Host Group Net Metering, which is only available to Municipals Hosts that are on utility default service. HB 1600 would open the market so that CPAs could compete to serve community-scale generators through their own net metering programs. Under HB 1600, cost shifting by the distribution utilities is avoided by requiring the net metered generator to be a customer of a CPA with compensation provided by the CPA for their energy and capacity value to serve the load, as well as avoided transmission costs if otherwise allowed. The bill does not alter the existing Municipal Host Group Net Metering construct, which would remain an option. The bill also corrects a reference error in RSA 53-E, the municipal and county aggregation statute, from a previous amendment. See also FAQs.

Bipartisan Sponsors: Representative Tom Cormen (D-Grafton District 15), Rep. Rebecca McWilliams (D-Merrimack District 30), Rep. Henry Noël (D-Coos, District 5), Rep. Kat McGhee (D-Hillsborough District 35), Rep. Brian Seaworth (R-Merrimack District 12), Rep. Dan Wolf (R-Merrimack District 7), Senator Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro), Senator Kevin Avard (R-Nashua), and Senator David Watters (D-Dover).

Action Alert! Oppose HB 1623

Call to Action from Clean Energy NH. Bill is also opposed by the NH Sierra Club.

We urgently need your voice to ensure that this bill does not pass. We are calling on all our members to contact Senate leadership and members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to express your strong opposition to HB 1623.

Why We Must Act Now

HB 1623 restructures our energy policy to favor traditional, centralized power plants, diverting attention and resources away from renewable resources and energy efficiency programs. This change could have long-term detrimental impacts on New Hampshire's energy landscape, particularly in rolling back initiatives like NH Saves, which have been instrumental in advancing efficiency and cost savings for our residents.

How You Can Help

Contact Senate Leadership: Reach out to the Senate President and other key leaders. Emphasize the importance of sustainable energy policy that prioritizes and encourages innovation, efficiency, safety, and affordability.

Senator Bradley

Senator Gray

Senator Carson

Senator Innis

Reach Out to the Committee: The members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee are pivotal in this decision. It's crucial that they hear from their constituents and stakeholders about the negative implications of HB 1623.

Senator Avard

Senator Pearl

Senator Birdsell

Senator Watters

Senator Altschiller

Spread the Word: Share this alert with your networks. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join in our efforts. The more voices that express opposition, the stronger our impact will be.

SUPPORT for HB1649, relative to prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAS.

1.  A friendly reminder, PLEASE don't forget to write to the US Army Corps of Engineers, to urge them to DENY the Casella landfill permit application.  Info at http://www.SaveForestLake.com and within the attached letter to the editor I'm hoping gets printed.  Please, urge your friends and family to write, too!

2.  Also, an fyi, in the Cal-Rec:


North Country-Sponsored Landfill Bills Aired Before Senate Committee

https://www.caledonianrecord.com/news/local/north-country-sponsored-landfill-bills-aired-before-senate-committee/article_ddce8583-5d79-5e16-a1c7-6a51bfa2814c.html (pdf attached)

Some great testimony on the 2 bills, HB1632 and HB1145, cued Youtube video:  https://www.youtube.com/live/JPNQmFsRDU4?si=BOt43fHLrBU1bygY&t=8912

3.  Also, please show your SUPPORT for HB1649, relative to prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAS. The hearing before the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee is TOMORROW, Tuesday, April 23 at 9:50 am.  Thank you!  

Senate Remote Sign-In To Support:  https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/remotecommittee/senate.aspx

HB1649 info:  https://legiscan.com/NH/bill/HB1649/2024

HB1649 in the news:  https://newhampshirebulletin.com/briefs/nh-house-to-vote-on-proposed-ban-of-certain-pfas-products/

Link to view the hearing Tuesday, 9:50AM, 4/23/2024, Senate E&NR Youtube Livestream:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVmHeJP9g0E

4.  I have also attached 2 great letters, from the Coos County Commissioners and the Grafton County Commissioners, to NHDES.  Please urge your town selectboard, conservation commission, state and federal officials to weigh in against the GSL project and NCES contamination, etc. in similar fashion.  They can write to NHDES, USACE, and NHDOT, as all 3 have active permit applications from Casella.  Big thanks!

P.S.  Please consider a donation to our friends at NCABC, who continue to spend a considerable amount of money on legal and professional assistance in this fight:  http://www.NorthCountryABC.net   

In order to not get sued a third time by Casella, I need you to understand that all of this is my opinion, based on my research and experience.

Thank you!

Jon Swan

25 Cashman Rd

Dalton, NH  03598

(603) 991-2078

Founder, Save Forest Lake

Granite State Landfill LLC State Permitting Documents:  Read the permit applications here

The Report of the Dalton Conservation Commission

Attorney Manzelli Letter To NHDES:

Applicant’s Extensive Environmental Noncompliance Means Ineligible for New Landfill

"Forest Lake's water is tested annually with NHDES, is extraordinarily clean, and it is free of PFAS.  

We want to keep it that way."

Fred Anderson, President, Forest Lake Association

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

-The Lorax

**The NCES Landfill in Bethlehem, NH is and has been releasing PFAS contaminants into the Ammonoosuc River watershed

Read all about it at: Save Forest Lake  

Grafton County Commissioners Share Concerns About The NCES Landfill & Opposition To GSL: Letter To NHDES

Calex Environmental Consulting Report: Hydrogeological Report: Release Events at the NCES Landfill Site

Save Forest Lake YouTube Channel

Save Forest Lake on Facebook

Save Forest Lake on Twitter

URGENT: SUPPORT SB 391 - From Clean Energy NH

Adopting interconnection standards increases competition and reduces costs for all.

As a result of some early crossover hearings being scheduled before the deadline next month the House Science, Technology, and Energy committee will begin working on some of its Senate bills next week. One of those bills is SB 391, relative to electric grid interconnection for certain customer generators, which will be heard this coming Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM.

This bill requires the NH Department of Energy to begin a rulemaking proceeding for the purposes of setting uniform procedures for distributed energy resources (DER) that are proposed for interconnection to the grid.

If you have recently invested in solar and experienced long delays in the approval of your application, installation of transformer or meter, lawmakers need to hear your story.

The application of interconnection rules will provide significant relief to residents, businesses, and municipalities, who are seeking to actively manage their energy expenditures, and who have experienced costly delays in project interconnection. The rules would also support the developing low and moderate-income solar programs, such as the federally funded “Solar for All” program that NH Department of Energy is pursuing. Further, such rules will provide DER installers and developers with the certainty they need to operate in the state; this could attract additional companies into the New Hampshire market and increase competition, reducing costs for all.

Sign in before the end of the day on Tuesday, March 19th to register your support for the bill. 

Do you have a story to tell? The tool can also be used to submit written testimony if you’re able to prepare it but can’t attend in person. If you are interested in joining us at the hearing to deliver your testimony directly to the committee, please respond to this email so that we may coordinate with you. As always, you can watch hearings live on the House of Representatives Youtube channel.

Participate in the New Hampshire EVP Phone Bank Day

March 6th from  6 PM to 7:30 PM. Traning provided for first-timer EVP phone bankers.

Ask Congress to protect climate-smart funding in the new Farm Bill. 

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act allocated $20 billion in aid for climate-smart practices that help farmers and forest-owners store more carbon pollution in trees. But that funding is at risk of being reallocated when the Farm Bill is renegotiated this year. Send a quick email to ask your members of Congress to protect these climate-smart investments! We’re 8,772 messages toward our goal of 10,000, so send yours today.

Here is guidance for engaging in NH DES climate planning, based on discussions with our partners.  

1. This Is for Planning Phase Not a Legislative Phase - This Phase 1 document is a process to identify low-hanging fruit to help make the state competitive in funding opportunities, rather than a visionary plan. The strength of this plan is that it can allow the State of NH, counties, and NH municipalities, in partnership with others to help implement, to apply for funding for projects (Phase 2) that will reduce GHG emissions. That process will be very competitive nationally so hopefully the next few months can help surface a really strong collaborative proposal that results in GHG reductions and serves underserved communities (the top two EPA criteria). This plan will not affect the statutes governing NH’s climate targets or lack of climate targets. That is a separate critical process that (hopefully) will begin in the future.  It will be most useful to focus on what can be done if significant federal grant money were to be received in Phase 2. 

2.  Plan Managers Are Looking for Actionable Recommendations – The Plan is being submitted to the US EPA wants, which has requested that this first phase plan contain actionable fundable projects rather than policy priorities. Consider sharing your priority suggestions (low-hanging fruit) regarding what GHG reducing programs the State should pursue, including HOW it might be implemented and WHO might do it –stuff that we know works and doesn’t require more analysis. Mentioning on-state lead entities that should be engaged is helpful in mapping out implementation plans, to ensure they are considered partners in Phase 2 grant proposals. The timing is really tough – the Phase 2 grants are due APRIL 1st! 

3.  The Plan Managers Know NH Is Behind - Be empathetic. The majority of staff engaged in this process led parts of the 2009 NH Climate Action Plan’s development. They are dedicated public servants who are keenly aware of how behind NH is, on climate issues.

Write to Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm  (From Bill McKibben)

Dear Friends,

As this hottest year in human history winds towards its close, I’m writing to ask for your help with what may be the single biggest climate fight left on planet Earth. And it’s right here at home.

The US is planning to quadruple the export of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from the Gulf of Mexico over the next few years—there are plans for 20 huge export terminals to add to the seven that already exist. If they are built, the emissions associated with them will be as large as all the emissions from every home, factory, and car in the EU. The emissions associated with them will wipe out every bit of progress the U.S. has made on reducing carbon and methane since 2005.

And along the way it will hurt not only the people who have to live and breathe near these monstrosities, but also all American consumers—because exporting gas abroad drives up the price at home.

If you want a short primer, here is something I wrote this week, and another piece I wrote for the New Yorker.

Happily, we have a realistic chance at stopping this. Which is why I hope you’ll break out your stationery box and roll of stamps. The final decision will be made by the Department of Energy, which can grant or deny export licenses to these companies depending on whether they’re in the public interest.

Please please please write a letter this week to:

The Honorable Jennifer Granholm
Secretary of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585

Here are some key points you can include in your letter:

If you thought you were getting off without one high-tech task, though, you’re wrong. Could you also take a picture of the letter on your smartphone and email it to takingaction@thirdact.org, so we can keep track of what’s happening.

Remember, the penmanship you learned long ago is a secret weapon. Bureaucrats are used to getting email petitions; they’re not used to getting old-school letters. They know it takes effort, and they pay attention.

I think we can win this fight, and if we do it will be the biggest win on the climate front since we sunk the Keystone pipeline. But we can only do it if we act right now.

Thank you,

Bill McKibben
Founder, Third Act

Support local small farmers: Sign a petition and make calls.

💚 Sign a petition from North Carolina LCV to urge Congress to act on climate resilience in the 2023 Farm Bill: https://www.mobilize.us/lcvnc/event/566353/

💚 Call your Congress Members to support farmers, sustainability, and access to food in the 2023 Farm Bill:

Senator Jeanne Shaheen: (202) 224-2841

Senator Maggie Hassen: (202) 224-3324

Find your representatives here: https://www.commoncause.org/find-your-representative/

Take action to help federal climate progress!

Send Congress an email asking them to legislate the Carbon Fee and Dividend bill via this web action page:   citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/energy-innovation-act/.

Write to Congress to support the PROVE IT Act to do carbon emission data collection in preparation for a CBAM (part of the Energy Innovation Act):  cclusa.org/prove

Email the EPA to urge them to ban toxic vinyl chloride - the carcinogenic chemical used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic

Click here to email them now about this urgent issue now.

Take Action Today so NH Building Codes do not go Backwards!


We are asking for your quick action on a consequential bill – contact your municipal energy committee members and other municipal leaders to sign the letter (download from our Google Drive) and send it to the email addresses provided – ideally by the hearing this Wednesday, April 10, at 9:00 am.


BACKGROUND:  HB 1059 updates state building codes, but EXCLUDES updated energy codes.  We are asking Senators to INCLUDE an amendment from Representative McWilliams that will add energy building codes to the update.


In addition to the financial reasons stated in the letter (chosen for their intended audience) you might want to tell your municipal leaders that without the energy codes:


·       Senator Shaheen warns NH may lose eligibility for a number of federal funds;

·       NH Healthcare Workers warn that outdated energy codes allow unhealthy air quality, mold, particulates, temperature extremes;

·       And more efficient buildings would put less demand on our overworked transmission grids.


Hearing on Wednesday, 4/10: HB 1059  Relative to the state building code.  (Executive Department and Administration 9:00 AM, Room 103). 

>> LINK to Download the Letter

April 10, 2024

Senator Howard Pearl, Chair

Senate Executive Departments and Administration

NH State House, Room 103

Concord, NH 03301 

RE: HB1059, Relative to the State Building Code

Local Government Support for 2021 IECC Adoption for Commercial and Residential

Dear Chair Pearl and members of the Committee,

We, the undersigned municipal officials, members of community energy committees, and concerned citizens are writing to express our support for the adoption and enforcement of modern building energy codes in New Hampshire and ask that HB1059 be amended to include both the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and Chapter 11 – Energy Efficiency of the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC). 

We note that this 2021 edition of the building energy codes includes a manageable and cost-effective improvement in efficiency, and does not require that building be built to achieve a “net zero energy rating” as has been falsely claimed. 

Failure to adopt the 2021 energy code would represent an unfair cost shift to renters, homeowners, and businesses that will use newly constructed buildings and facilities for decades and likely into the next century.

As stewards of our community's well-being, we recognize the significant role that modern, energy-efficient building practices play in lowering energy costs, improving public health, and enhancing environmental quality. Supporting energy efficiency in residential, commercial, and municipal buildings aligns with local governments' goals of fiscal responsibility, environmental stewardship, public health promotion, economic development, resilience, and community engagement. 

As energy prices fluctuate, as we have seen the past two years across all fuels, the avoided-energy savings associated with the 2021 IECC will only continue to increase. Energy codes, therefore, provide energy and economic security to building occupants, as well as the state as a whole. 

The 2021 IECC and 2021 IRC are consistent with traditional Yankee thrift and ingenuity, rooted in the values of resourcefulness, efficiency, and innovation commonly associated with New Hampshire and New England. For example:

Extreme cold weather events, a hallmark of New Hampshire winters–as we've just experienced this past week–can strain energy infrastructure and contribute to power outages and service disruptions. Highly efficient buildings can provide safe and comfortable shelter from extreme weather even during a power outage.

Yankee thrift emphasizes the efficient use of resources to achieve maximum value and benefit. Modern building energy codes prioritize energy efficiency by setting standards for the design, construction, and operation of buildings to minimize energy costs and maximize performance (e.g. comfort, health, low environmental impact).

Ingenuity is a hallmark of Yankee culture, emphasizing creativity, adaptability, and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and achieve goals. Modern building energy codes encourage innovation by promoting the use of advanced technologies, materials, and construction practices that improve energy efficiency and performance. From high-performance insulation and windows to energy-efficient HVAC systems and renewable energy integration, builders and designers are encouraged to innovate and incorporate new solutions to meet energy code requirements while enhancing building performance and occupant comfort.

Yankee thrift emphasizes the long-term value of investments and the importance of making decisions that yield lasting benefits. Energy-efficient buildings offer long-term value to homeowners, businesses, and communities by providing significant savings on energy costs over the lifespan of the building, while also improving comfort, indoor air quality, and resilience to changing environmental conditions. Further, efficient buildings can help reduce total electricity consumption demand and alleviate pressure on energy infrastructure during periods of high demand. This can result in significant reductions in distribution and transmission system upgrades, saving money for all energy consumers.

By investing in cost-effective energy efficiency through adoption of the 2021 IECC, we ensure the durability, affordability, and performance of New Hampshire homes, businesses, and community institutions. 

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


1. [Name], [Position/Title], [Municipality/Community Energy Committee]

2. [Name], [Position/Title], [Municipality/Community Energy Committee]

3. [Name], [Position/Title], [Municipality/Community Energy Committee]

4. [Name], [Position/Title], [Municipality/Community Energy Committee]

5. [Name], [Position/Title], [Municipality/Community Energy Committee]

We need your help to turn people out to the hearings to let the Executive Council know what is missing in the current transportation plan! 

The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT), which is made up of the five Executive Councilors and the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT), has scheduled public hearings throughout the state, starting tomorrow in Salem and running through October (Link to the schedule) to talk about their Ten Year Plan

The Ten Year Plan includes infrastructure funding - for bridges, roads, rail trails, and airports. What this plan DOESN'T include is public transportation investment or electric vehicle infrastructure. With the climate crisis worsening, we need every facet of our state government to include climate action in their long term planning. 

We need your help to turn people out to the hearings to let the EC know what is missing in the current plan and what should be included! People should attend the hearing that is in their Executive Council district. We have also set up a letter-writing campaign HERE.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

In solidarity,

Jennifer Dube - Climate Justice Organizer

350 New Hampshire


Please help Extended Producer Responsibility get a hearing this year!

What is it? EPR would require producers to assume costs for disposal of their products and packaging, rather than leaving it to our municipalities to bear the cost of disposal.


Why?  Reduces waste disposal costs for municipalities, thus helping hold down local taxes.  Reduces need for more landfills.  Encourages producers to create less packaging and/or use packaging that is easier to recycle or compost.  Avoid toxins which are being identified in packaging (endocrine disruptors have been found in plastics often used in food packaging).


When?  Best if you can send an email, however brief, by Oct 16, the last day of the study committee’s hearings.   


More Talking Points:(please don’t copy/use your own words/can pick just a few):

·       Please thank all 4 of the legislators listed below for dedicating their time to this study committee!

·       The bill to set up this study commission had bipartisan support in both houses, 20-0 and 24-0.  It's an issue people of both party support.

·       We are asking that they decide to create legislation for EPR – a chance to talk about it! 

·       This means the issue will have hearings, be discussed, and even get modifications.  We are not asking that it be passed into law at this time – only that it can get a full hearing this year.

·       Otherwise, it will be one more year before the issue can be taken up again.

·       A study in Canada (where some regions have EPR and some do not) found that the increase to the cost of goods for consumers was LESS than one cent!

·       Currently all NH residents pay for the landfilling of packaging and products that can’t be recycled or composted. We are paying to dispose of the waste that others have created.

·       We have examples to look at, to see what works (and what to avoid) from Colorado, Maine, Oregon, California, and other countries.


Please include all 4 legislators in your email or letters:


Representative Jacob Brouillard (Nottingham, Northwood)

27 Gerrish Drive

Nottingham, NH  03290



Representative Arnold Davis (Coos Dist 2)

PO Box 478

Berlin, NH  03570


Senator Debra Altschiller (Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton, Rye, Stratham)

Legislative Office Building

Room 5

33 North State Street Concord NH  03301



Representative Lucius Parshall (Cheshire Dist 8)

81 Stone Pond Road
Marlborough, NH  03455


Let the Governor's Executive Council Hear from You 

The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT), which is made up of the five Executive Councilors and the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT), has scheduled public hearings throughout the state, starting tomorrow in Salem and running through October (Link to the schedule) to talk about their Ten Year Plan

The Ten Year Plan includes infrastructure funding - for bridges, roads, rail trails, and airports. What this plan DOESN'T include is public transportation investment or electric vehicle infrastructure. With the climate crisis worsening, we need every facet of our state government to include climate action in their long term planning. 

We need your help to turn people out to the hearings to let the EC know what is missing in the current plan and what should be included! People should attend the hearing that is in their Executive Council district. We have also set up a letter-writing campaign HERE.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

In solidarity,

Jennifer Dube - Climate Justice Organizer

350 New Hampshire


From Citizens' Climate Lobby: 5,000 messages to PROVE our love of CBAMs

“In a rare example of a bipartisan climate policy, momentum is growing on Capitol Hill for a plan to tax imports from China and other countries with looser environmental standards,” the Washington Post reported recently. The piece is describing the PROVE IT Act, a bill that lays important groundwork for the U.S. to eventually have a carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM.

The PROVE IT Act currently has support from four Democratic senators, four Republican senators, and one Independent senator. Let’s build on that momentum! With persistent, respectful citizen lobbying we can encourage more senators to cosponsor the legislation, and we can build support for a House version of the bill to be introduced. All of that means it’s more likely to be passed, bringing us closer to major climate policy that drives down carbon emissions around the globe.

We’ve set a goal of 5,000 messages to Congress about the PROVE IT Act. The action launched yesterday, and so far CCLers have sent 3,809 messages. If you haven’t sent yours yet, hop to it! Our online action tool makes it easy to look up your representative and senators and send them a customizable message.

Participate in the Veganuary Challenge!

Veganuary involves eating a purely plant-based (vegan) diet for one month.




Eating a vegan diet is the most environmentally friendly diet. It’s been calculated that if you stick to a vegan diet for one month you’ll be responsible for saving… over 32 thousand gallons of water, and over 600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions (that’s better than giving up your car for a month!)


We're starting January 1st. How do you get started? Sign up here for recipe ideas and information:


Federal Request for Comment on Proposal to Reduce Food Waste Nationwide

This is from a recent White House announcement. Note the comment period closes 1-4-24.

Contact NH Representatives before they vote on Jan 3 & 4.

Dear Folks,

In a two-day session, our NH Legislators will vote on 2023 retained bills like the one below. (All retained bills of interest to the NH Network are listed on their NH Bill Actions webpage.)

This bill, SB267, Bill Text: NH SB267 was turned down in the House Finance Committee along party lines. Before that, it had bipartisan support and could succeed now.

Please email or call legislators you think could make a difference. THANKS!

Any questions? Email or call Cynthia Walter, cawalter22@gmail.com 412-610-4327

Talking points for your personal, short message:

Action Alert from Cynthia Walter

Participate in the New Hampshire EVP Phone Bank Day >> More Info

Tuesday, January 16 starting at 12 noon.

Take a Picture of the Box Smoke Stack on 11/30 or 12/1

NH Sierra Club and our friends at 350NH are collaborating to show that people are watching this old coal plant and we all worry about the health impact it has — not to mention that we ratepayers paid for the air pollution control technology because we prioritized air quality. 

Can you take a picture of the smoke stack during the next stack test — on Thursday, Nov 30 or Friday, Dec 1st? It is an all-day kind of thing so whenever you can go is a great time to take a picture.


For Social Media Posts: Please post with @NHSierraClub & @350NH; #NHStackTest & #StrikeDownCoal. If you can add more then use: #NHCantWait, #BuildUpJustice & #NHPolitics. Add the date and time of the photo and include your thoughts about the future energy systems you wish to see. 

Non Social Media Posters/Influencers: Send your Pictures to Catherine.corkery@sierraclub.org. Please tell me how to show the photo credit (it can be Anonymous). Add the date and time of the photo and include your thoughts about the future energy systems you wish to see. 

Please urgently ask your Energy Committees and Select Boards to write a letter to the PUC - 

NOVEMBER 30 Deadline!

Please urgently ask your Energy Committees and Select Boards to write a letter to the PUC puc@puc.nh.gov and cc Governor Sununu governorsununu@nh.gov in support of net metering and NH Saves. In the subject line be sure to reference the docket numbers (for NH Saves it is DE 23-068 and for net metering it is DE 22-060).

A sample resolution and background info are attached; Don Kreis (Consumer Advocate) outlines reasons his office supports NH Saves here. PLEASE individualize and personalize the letters to demonstrate how these programs are valuable to your community and impress upon DOE the importance of the role they can play. Tips include:

a. Include specific examples from your community regarding the positive impact that NHSaves and net metering have provided through efficiency projects.
b. Include specific examples from your community regarding the negative impact that the
closure of NHSaves programs in 2021-2022 resulted in.

c. Don’t worry about proving that energy efficiency is worth investing in, this is broadly
d. The concern at this time is that testimony that raises complicated questions will be used
by the NH PUC Commissioners to make harmful decisions.
e. The more that NH DOE can emphasis that the proposed plan is beneficial and is
consistent with NH State law, the less opportunity that the NH PUC will have to
undermine the program.

As you may recall the PUC dealt a traumatic blow to the NHSaves efficiency programs in the fall of 2021. This led to the total shutdown of the NH efficiency programs, upending residential, commercial, municipal, and industrial projects while also disrupting the work and incomes of many efficiency companies and their employees. The economic impact was likely very high and the NHSaves programs and the energy-efficiency workforce are still recovering. Another bad PUC order will be even more devastating.

Over the past year, the Chair of the PUC has shown considerable skepticism concerning the value of energy efficiency, and even with two recent bills passed by the legislature to clarify how the EE programs should be valued, there is deep concern that the PUC will issue another harmful order.

In talking with stakeholders, concerns have been raised about how DOE plans to support the NHSaves program at the PUC. At this time, as the utilities continue to restore programs and rebuild faith among their contractors it is imperative that the plan be approved. DOE's strong support will be instrumental in preventing the PUC from making a bad decision.


Em Friedrichs

Durham Energy Committee and Town Councilor

Draft Letter


Please write to puc@puc.nh.gov, mention docket DE 23-068 in the subject line, and ask the PUC to approve the 2024-2026 triennial energy efficiency plan.

Don Kreis, NH Consumer Advocate, expressed his strong support of continuing NH Saves.  The PUC has hearings Oct 25 & 31 on the upcoming triennial energy efficiency plan for 2024, 2025, and 2026.   and hearings that are coming before the PUC on Oct. 25 and 31.

Please write to puc@puc.nh.gov, mention docket DE 23-068 in the subject line, and ask the PUC to approve the 2024-2026 triennial energy efficiency plan.  The PUC must decide by 11/30.

TALKING POINTS:  Businesses and households alike need to plan their budgets, and a 3-year horizon is especially needed for business, as they decide major energy expenditures.  


When the last 3-year energy plan tottered, a swath of NH energy contractors lost business or went out of business.

Action alert! Before Nov 14th, email/call NH House Finance Committee - Support SB267

This bill was authored by Sen. Avard — enjoyed bipartisan support and DES endorsement last spring — but party-line votes cut it off.  This bill is a wise use of funds for necessary DES efforts to avoid combined impacts from pollution, called "Cumulative Impacts Analysis" (CIA).

CIA is already adopted in other states and will help DES to better protect people while industries better plan permit applications, a costly process.    

It will fund a DES staff person to examine DES permitting and find ways to avoid multiple impacts on a community; impacts that would otherwise harm health and economic vigor. 

Use the link below to email/call the 22 member committee. (13 Rep, 12 Dem) 

Finance committee meeting is NOT CLOSED- it is an EXECUTIVE SESSION, i.e., a session in which people can attend/observe and the committee might choose to ask a question of a non-committee member.)   

The New Hampshire House of Representatives (state.nh.us)

Any questions,  please email or call me,



Cynthia Walter, Ph.D

Retired Scientist

Dover, NH



The idea for making mesh produce bags to give away for free came to Cindy Heath while she was working on gifts for friends and members of the New Hampshire Network's Plastics Working Group. Help the Mesh Bag Mamas reach their goal of making 1,000 beautiful organic cotton mesh produce bags for the Lebanon Co-op. Contact Cindy Heath cheath58@gmail.com .

NHPR wants to know what we want candidates to talk about.  

Let’s let them know we want to hear about climate change solutions!   

Please write NHPR and tell them you want to hear what each candidate thinks about the goal to reduce climate pollution from fossil fuels 50% by 2030, what they think about Carbon Fee and Dividend (bit.ly/ccb-resources), and what else they will do to address the problem if elected: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoSGnepE958a9NqBVOEwHvVRcTlZAXBeeCVu96Y7ATzL4LPQ/viewform?pli=1

Write of Call DES Assistant Direct Michael Fitzgerald 


TODAY, if possible!! 

Write or call Assistant Director Michael Fitzgerald

who is overseeing the plan, at least in this early stage.



(603) 271-6390


Help ensure this climate plan has measurable outcomes and a timetable, and honestly responds to the requests of NH residents.

*Franklin Pierce University, 40 University Drive, Rindge 10 a.m., Sept 20  https://www.nh.gov/council/meetings/index.htm

The United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE) prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the potential environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic impacts of partially funding a proposed project to design, construct, and operate an amine-based post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology at a coal-fired power plant.

End War & Warming Rally - Friday, September 15 at 6:00 PM in Concord

A joint 350NH, NH Peace Action, NH Sierra Club and Peace with Justice Advocates NHCUCC and Granite State Organizing Project Rally in Support of The NYC March to End Fossil Fuel

Fossil fuels, militarism and war all threaten humanity directly and accelerate climate chaos. This is our chance, and Biden's opportunity, to break free from fossil fuels and build a just and safe future. On September 17, The March to End Fossil Fuels is being held to coincide with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' organization of a “Climate Ambition Summit.” Peace groups are joining in, understanding and highlighting the connections between climate, peace and justice issues: access to fossil fuels are a major reason for wars over the last century; the largest institutional polluter in the world is the US Pentagon; clean renewable energy and environmental justice for low-income and people of color communities are needed for a just world peace.

Join us in Concord on Friday, September 15, to speak out on this topic and cheer on those headed to NY for the march.  

Read more about the connections between climate and militarism here:
AND https://www.powershift.org/blog/climate-justice-movement-must-be-anti-war-notes-antiwar-organizers

Please bring signs with messages such as: End War & Warming! Invest in Peace & Planet! Support Life on Earth! Your general peace and environmental support signs will also work and we'll have extras to share.

Stand Up to Pollution in New Hampshire - September 13th Deadline!

Ask DES to reject the amended air permit that allows more pollution from the expansion at the Turnkey Landfill in Rochester. Tell DES why air pollution matters to you and pick any of the ideas in the linked document below for your comments.

Clear Directions for Writing to Oppose the Turnkey Air Permit

Attend (remotely or in person) this meeting of the Consumer Liaison Group on Thursday June 8 from 12:30-3:30 PM.

ISO-NE (Our electric grid operator) is required to engage with the public quarterly via the Consumer Liaison Group (CLG). Meetings are open to the public and usually include panel discussions, presentations from ISO, and remarks from guest speakers on topics related to the region’s energy grid. Despite its liaison role, CLG has not been a particularly welcoming space for the average energy consumer – beginning with the fact that most people do not know it exists. The No Coal No Gas campaign is changing the way the CLG meeting AND making space within the CLG for frontline communities and residential ratepayers to have a say in regional energy planning and decisions.

The next meeting of the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group is right around the corner on Thursday, June 8th in Peabody, Massachusetts from noon to 3:30pm.

This meeting is evidence of the progress we are making to shift business-as-usual. Instead of gathering in a fancy hotel, we are meeting in a local community center in a frontline community that has been deeply impacted by the status quo, and All are Welcome. ISO-NE doesn't think that people will come to Peabody for a meeting, but together we will show them that environmental justice matters to people across the region! We’re showing what’s possible and building the world we want to live in.

This is both an in-person and virtual meeting, and if you want to participate in either format, you need to register with ISO-NE

How to register

Step 1: If you have never attended a meeting hosted by ISO-NE, you will be asked to make an account at https://isone.csod.com/SelfReg/register.aspx?p=isone&c=external. You'll need to use this account when you register for this and future meetings.

To register for in-person attendance (for June 8th, noon-3:30pm, lunch provided): https://www.iso-ne.com/event-details?eventId=152050

To register  for virtual attendance (June 8th 12:30-3:30pm; begins 30 min later than in-person because they can't serve us lunch online!): https://www.iso-ne.com/event-details?eventId=152051

Finally, please also complete this form (hosted by Breathe Clean North Shore) where you can tell us about accessibility needs and dietary restrictions. You'll also find a link here to our rideshare spreadsheet: https://forms.gle/w3WbKgq18TcUx8vg8. Completing this form will ensure you get updates and communications about logistics from organizers working to change the way ISO-NE does business!

We will target legislators who have influence over the bills that impact our communities' energy sources, our utility bills, and our need to cut carbon emissions. Together we will speak about the climate and energy issues that matter most to us, and urge our elected officials to take bold action for a future in which we can all thrive. No experience needed! Sign up to join us:

May 4th, 11:00am: Last Writing Party before FERC Comments are Due (Virtual)

Join 350NH to push for an end to fossil fuel subsidies by writing a comment to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission! Join this writing party if you need support writing or submitting your comment. RSVP here

Powerless in the United States a Report from the Center for Biological Diversity (Selah Goodson Bell and Jean Su), Energy and Policy Institute (Matt Kasper and Shelby Green) and  BailoutWatch (Christopher Kuveke).

Defend SB267 to control Advanced"toxic" Recycling: Feb 7th, 2023 Hearing

(Click the down-pointing arrow on the right for directions)

Bill SB267 can protect NH from excess toxics from a new industry, Advanced Recycling of plastic. 

We need people to

1. Register their support for SB267 - it takes only 1 minute!


2. Testify

You do not have to be an expert; you just need to know we need the DES to write special protections for us from any industry that heats plastic waste and is allowed to burn some too! 

See PowerPoint Slides Below.

The bill, SB267, will be heard Tuesday Feb 7 at 9:15 in State House room 103.

Here are tips and hints for testimony.  You may also attend the hearing and sign in support of the bill without giving testimony.

(DES=Department of Environmental Services)

3. Email committee

emailing the 5 members of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Here is background on advanced recycling that will help you draft your email or remarks; we encourage you to put it in our own voice.  


Contact Cynthia Walter - cawalter22@gmail.com  or call anytime  412-610-4327

Roger Stephenson UCS -  questions rstephenson@ucsusa.org  603 770 9484

AR-Walter Jan30 air-water pollution .pptx

Ask Your State Representatives to Vote in Favor of HB208

March 14-15, 2023

Send a quick email your town's State Representatives (find them and their contact info here) and ask them to support this important bill in the House vote on Thursday, March 16:

There was overwhelming public support for this bill in online and committee hearing testimony:

Support: 186  |  Oppose: 12  |  Neutral: 0

Federal funding for creating or updating state Climate Action Plans is available for a limited time, and having an up-to-date plan will ensure New Hampshire is eligible for billions of dollars of competitive grant funding from the Inflation Reduction Act for reducing carbon emissions over the next several years.  Read more about that on the EPA information page about Climate Pollution Reduction Grants.

For more ideas about what to say, look at some of the excellent written public testimony that was submitted for this bill.

Then call your State Reps several days after you send the emails to be sure they see them.  Just tell them (or leave a brief message) that you are concerned about climate disruption from fossil fuel pollution and that you've sent an email about HB208 and would appreciate their consideration and support.

From Clean Energy NH - Hearing on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Senate Bill 52, a proposal to jump start investment in electric vehicle infrastructure in New Hampshire is scheduled for a hearing before the Transportation Committee next week. You can find the text of SB52 here.

Call or email your representatives to let them know you support this critical step to keep our state competitive as EV adoption accelerates here in New England and nationwide.

You can find your Senator and their contact information here and your House member(s) here

ACTION REQUESTED— Some Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds will only come to NH if our state government plans for it and requests it. 

NH has allowed such funding opportunities to pass us by!  Please write and or call requesting that NH aggressively pursue all available funding programs contained within the IRA to reduce energy costs, improve efficiency, and transition to clean energy solutions.

Please write and/or call:

1) Request that NH aggressively pursue all available funding programs contained within the IRA.

2) Maximize the use of available federal funds, for programs to reduce energy costs, improve efficiency, and transition to clean energy solutions. 

Read about Massachusetts' level of ambition and success in moving toward heat pumps:

Strong incentives — realistic assessment of grid challenges — not allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the very good — emphasis on Efficiency First — making sure building codes keep up — transactive energy distribution.

The Great Massachusetts Transition to Heat Pumps: Success is likely– but can the electric grid handle it?

Published on October 24, 2022. You may need a LinkIn account to view.

A good story and outlook for Massachusetts and a good example for NH to follow — at least Massachusetts is thinking about and acting on these issues!  NH is far behind the other NE states in promoting electric based heat pumps.

ACTION: Contact your elected officials and ask them to head in the direction described in the article.

Tell Our NH Leaders to pursue IRA Funds

YOUR ACTION NEEDED: We learned from Don Kreis, Consumer Advocate, that some Infrastructure Reduction Act (IRA) funds will only come to NH and be put to work if our state government plans for it and requests it. In the past, NH has allowed such funding opportunities to pass us by!  Please write and or call



requesting that NH aggressively pursue all available funding programs contained within the IRA and not let the conservative ideology get in the way of maximizing use of federal funds available for programs to reduce energy costs, improve efficiency, and transition to clean energy solutions.

Plastics are a danger to human health, the environment and the future of the planet. Despite this, Big Oil is creating way more plastic than we need. It’s on a mission to build even more dirty infrastructure and continue flooding the market with plastics. 

We can stop Big Oil’s plastic-palooza by starting with ending the use of single-use plastics purchased by the federal government.

The General Services Administration (GSA) oversees federal government purchasing and is currently taking public comment on this issue. These comments will be reviewed and used to inform a future rule that could establish requirements and reporting mechanisms to reduce single use-plastic. We have just a few weeks to make our voices heard. 

Submit your comment urging the federal government to reduce its use of single-use plastics!

Submitting your comment to the General Services Administration only takes a few minutes. 

Need a starting point for drafting your comment? Copy and paste this suggested text into the comment box:

Plastics are a danger to human health and climate. Single-use plastics – including water bottles, shipping materials, packaging and utensils – make up most plastic waste. They end up in landfills, incinerators and our waterways. Like all plastics, they break down into microplastics, where they move much more easily and stealthily – ending up in our food and eventually our bodies. In order to set a strong precedent for tackling the plastics problem, I urge the federal government to eliminate purchasing single-use plastics.


Thanks for taking action,

Jim Walsh

Policy Director

Food & Water Action

From 350NH - Tell JLCAR: Approve Community Power Rules!

The public utilities commission finally approved new community power rules that would allow cities and towns to save money and prioritize renewable energy. Now, the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules needs to approve these rules.


These community power rules are vital to the expansion of local renewable energy sources. The rules will lower our energy costs and allow communities across the state to opt for clean, renewable energy sources. 


The Committee meets on August 18th in Concord to discuss this ruling. Can you send written testimony to the committee before they meet?


Here's what we need you to do:


1. Write a short letter addressed to the "Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules." You can include any of these important points:

2. Sign the letter with your full name and what town/city you live in


3. Email your letter to the Committee Chair, Representative William Hatch, at William.hatch@leg.state.nh.us 


Towns and cities across NH have already voted in support of community power programs. Once these new rules are in place, those cities and towns can finally move forward - purchasing their own energy and opting for more renewable energy sources. 


If you have any questions, let me know! Thank you for supporting community power in NH.





Climate Justice Organizer

From Save Forest Lake: Sign Petition to Override HB1454

We could really use your help. Could you please sign and SHARE w/fellow members, supporters, friends, & family our petition, linked below, which will be sent to NH House and Senate members, urging them to overturn the veto of HB1454? We'd also love it if you could JOIN US for our "Rally at the Capitol" in Concord on September 8, veto override day! 

"We, the undersigned residents of New Hampshire, ask that you, our legislators, vote to overturn Governor Sununu's veto of HB1454 to ensure that our state protects our precious waters—for safe drinking and recreation, for public and environmental health." 

HB1454 Petition: https://bit.ly/HB1454Petition


"Override The Veto Of HB1454 Rally At The Capitol" Thursday September 8 2022 Video: 


Write to the Chairman of the PUC Regarding Electric Vehicles

Now, the PUC seems to have some grave misunderstandings about EVs. When writing, please focus mostly on economic issues and less if at all on the climate crisis in this effort.


The latest problem is the reaction to Eversource’s EV make ready and demand charges proposal, which is reasonable and will help our and others putting in the VW $ chargers.

PLEASE send comments to counter the chairman’s recent statement which could undermine the already inadequate EV charging progress in NH.

The content of the correspondence needs to address the chairman’s concern that the cost of the make ready funding and demand charge alternative is shifting costs to low income and retired residents in rural locations such as Coos County – in his words “retired people will never drive an EV” (to subsidize affluent Tesla drivers in the populous parts of the state). Please note that Eversource’s analysis estimates the cost per account is at most 15 cents / month. That does not account for the extra 5000+KWH/year a single EV driver incrementally adds to consumption and thus spreads the cost over more energy sales that would otherwise be spent on gasoline…


Please address some of these talking points:



Here is the link to the actual settlement agreement that the PUC is adjudicating on.




Here is the entire docket


New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (nh.gov)


Here is an example of how to address and format a letter to the Chairman (there are many more examples in the docket link)




The sooner that public comments can be submitted the better – I would say before 7/20 to have a chance of being considered.


Please email it to  ClerksOffice@puc.nh.gov  the subject line: Docket 21-078: Public comment




With wishes for sunshine, success and good health,

John Kondos


PS In my letter I’ll share that I know two retired folks of low & moderate income from two nearby small towns that each own a used Nissan Leaf as their only vehicle. They are very happy to own such affordable vehicles that are very economical to own.

Support the PFAS Action Act with Added Amendment to Ban PFAS in Food Packaging

Currently there is a comprehensive national PFAS bill called the PFAS Action Act (HR 2467), which just added a strong amendment to ban PFAS in food packaging. HR 2467 is headed to the Senate for a vote. As expected, the chemical industry is pushing back on this specific amendment and is actively lobbying against it. 

Please sign Community Action Works's petition to urge your senator to vote yes. At a time when many of the NH communities that Community Action Works supports are fighting local PFAS contamination—this is one way we can help strengthen their efforts.

Please give Congresswoman Kuster a call! Call Annie Kuster’s office:  202-225-5206

Rep. Kuster is not on the Subcommittee, but on the Full Committee and could vote on this legislation eventually, or make a public statement.

We are calling on our allies to call subcommittee members today and tomorrow to explain why they must eliminate incineration from the CLEAN Future Act. This is an unexpected opportunity to push back against false solutions at a high level and we need all hands on deck.


A full list of committee members is here. Below is a sample call script. Please forward this call to action to your networks!


Hello, my name is _____. I’m calling to ask Representative _____ to remove waste incineration in the CLEAN Future Act. The inclusion of WTE as “clean electricity” undermines the very positive environmental justice protections in the bill and will set the country back from its goals of addressing the climate crisis. Waste to energy (WTE) facilities are actually the dirtiest source of energy production on the grid today, emitting almost twice as much carbon dioxide as coal, oil and gas. 79% of WTE facilities are located in environmental justice communities, adding to the burden of air pollution from particulate matter, dioxins, lead, mercury, and other toxins that threaten their health and well-being. Please don’t jeopardize a clean future for the country by propping up dirty energy!

Hearing July 30th in the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change at 11:30 am, on a package of bills related to waste and recycling, including the elusive BREAK FREE FROM PLASTIC POLLUTION ACT that we have been working on for a few years now.  It contains Extended Producer Responsibility provisions, and takes up the issues of environmental justice and a national bottle bill.

More Info

Here’s the link to the briefing memo from the full committee to the subcommittee with the rundown on all the bills. https://energycommerce.house.gov/sites/democrats.energycommerce.house.gov/files/documents/Briefing%20Memo_ECC_2022.06.30_0.pdf

Here’s the link to the livestream of the subcommittee hearing tomorrow:  https://energycommerce.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/hearing-on-no-time-to-waste-solutions-for-america-s-broken-recycling

Millions of families are grappling with energy insecurity as the climate crisis gets worse and energy prices go up. We must expand our clean, renewable energy sources rapidly in order to combat these crises and transition off of harmful fossil fuels.

President Biden recently invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) to ramp up domestic solar manufacturing. Now he needs Congress to have his back and pass the Energy Security and Independence Act to provide $100 billion of critical investment in the U.S.'s renewable energy supply chain and in programs to lower utility bills.

Our utility bills are getting more expensive while Exxon Mobil and other Big Oil companies are making RECORD profits. We cannot afford to rely on fossil fuels any longer - we need a just transition to renewable energy now.

Thank you for your support.


Rebecca (She/her/hers), Communications Director, 350NH

Call Governor Sununu and ask him to sign HB1454!

The House and Senate have passed HB1454, relative to the siting of landfills, with amendments! 

What's next?  We still need Governor Sununu to do the right thing and sign HB1454. Call him at 603-271-7676, especially now that there are no pending permit applications, thus there are no "moving the goalposts" on a pending, existing project.  It's dead, for now anyway.  - from Jon Swan

Plastics Working Group Action of the Month: Plant Pot Recycling!

Date: Saturday, June 25  | Time: 10am-3pm  

Location: Gardener’s Supply Garden Centers - Burlington & Williston, VT, Lebanon, NH & Hadley, MA

Details: Stop by Gardener’s Supply to recycle your plastic pots! All containers & plastic pots of any size (1gal, 2, gal, etc.) with the designation/symbol #2 and #5 plastics can be recycled.

 Pots must be separated into groups: #2 plastics in one group and #5 plastics in another. ALL POTS MUST be empty with no tags or trash.

Put A Resolution to Take Climate Action on your town's next warrant

The Carbon Cash-Back Coalition's (C3) citizens' petition warrant article has been voted on by 45 New Hampshire towns and 75% of them passed the resolution.  3 New Hampshire cities' Councils have passed similar resolutionsPutting the resolution on your town's 2023 warrant will help get climate change solutions in the local news, share the experts' recommended best first step with others, and give your town's voters a chance to send their state and federal legislators (and Governor and President) a clear directive to pass effective and equitable climate legislation.

Find more details and sign up to be the C3 Town Champion for your town at carboncashback.org.

From 350 NH: Time to Write to FERC again!

Write your comment for FERC today: reject ISO-NE's fossil fuel funding. 

Not sure what to write? Join us Thursday, April 28th between 5:30pm-7:00pm for a collaborative comment writing session.

From Rebecca, 350NH Communications Director: You may have heard that Merrimack Station in Bow was funded by our energy grid operators (ISO-NE) to run through 2026. But those handouts are not a done deal because the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) must now approve the decision. This is our chance, during the public comment period, to intervene. Here’s a toolkit to help you submit your own comment!

Ask your Senator to Support HB1454!

HB1454 — the bill that requires potential landfill sites to meet a minimum groundwater time of travel (minimum of 5 years) to protect adjacent surface waters — has passed the House.  The Senate "special ordered" the bill to be heard on the floor of the Senate on May 5th.   Please contact your Senator and ask that they support this bill on the floor of the Senate. 

Join the No Coal No Gas community to demand that FERC reject the latest Forward Capacity Auction results!

This detailed Forward Capacity Auction public comment toolkit includes sample comments and talking points to support you to craft your own comment, as well as step-by-step instructions for submitting your comment. You can also register here to join us a collaborative comment writing, submission, and outreach party.

More details: https://www.nocoalnogas.org/ferc-comment


Oppose HR17 

(Click the down-pointing arrow on the right for directions)

Experts say a border-adjusted, cash-back carbon fee on fossil fuel production at the federal level is the most powerful, cost-effective, beneficial, equitable, and far-reaching solution to reduce carbon emissions, and it attracts bipartisan support.  Citizens across the state and across the country are working to create political will to enable Congress to pass this legislation.  We are making progress, but the HR17 resolution in the Concord State House is an attempt to take carbon pricing off the table.

Here is a quick and easy action you can take right now to both help create political will for federal Carbon Cash-Back legislation and to help defeat HR17:

1) Please call your town's State Representatives and ask them to oppose HR17.  Their contact information is easy to find:  select your town from the "Select a Town" menu at gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/ then click on each Representative's name on the resulting town page.

2) What to say?  Tell them your name and town, and ask them to oppose HR17 when they vote on it this month.  Remind them it's a state resolution against a carbon tax on fuels for electricity and transportation (for the full text click on "Introduced" here).  Tell them there are several reasons to reject this resolution:

    2.1) We have a serious pollution problem and can not afford to take any policy options off the table, especially the experts' overwhelmingly recommended approach (carboncashback.org/carbon-cash-back).

    2.2) Public input was overwhelming opposed to the HR17 resolution at the committee hearing:  149 to 4.

    2.3) The HR17 resolution ignores the most likely way Congress would implement carbon pricing - as part of a three-part solution (Carbon Fee and Dividend with Border Carbon Adjustments).  Offer to share the attached elevator pitch (laser talk) with them.  The other two parts of the policy address all the concerns listed in HR17:  the cash-back dividend protects family budgets (citizensclimatelobby.org/household-impact-study), and Border Carbon Adjustments (BCAs) protect US business competitiveness and are the only way we can hold other countries accountable for their climate pollution.  WTO GATT rules dictate that we can only implement BCAs in combination with an explicit carbon price.  The federal Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act bill does all this, and is the most well-supported carbon pricing bill ever in Congress.  The New Hampshire legislature should be helping Congress do it, not impeding its progress!

    2.4) Of the 44 New Hampshire towns that voted in annual town meetings about whether to ask Congress to pass Carbon Fee and Dividend with Border Carbon Adjustment legislation, 33 of them (75%) voted to do so, some by 97% of everyone who voted.  Check to see if your town voted yes in the list near the bottom of carboncashback.org, and mention the fact if it is.

3) While you have them on the phone about carbon pricing, here are two more potential directions to take the discussion:

    3.1) If they have doubts that greenhouse gas pollution from fossil fuels or climate change is a problem for New Hampshire that requires policy changes, or if they seem like they might be interested in the science for any reason at all, please invite them to the New Hampshire Network's "New Climate Normals" event on March 14th to hear from two of the state's leading climate scientists and co-authors of the soon-to-be-released 2022 New Hampshire Climate Assessment.  You and your friends are of course invited also!  Register from here or the banner at the top of newhampshirenetwork.org, and share either page or the attached flyer.

    3.2) If they are strongly against HR17, please ask them to consider endorsing the federal Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act to help create political will to enable Congress to do it.  This bill implements the Carbon Fee and Dividend with Border Carbon Adjustments policy.  Prominent Individuals (such as State Reps) can do this from the "Endorse the Bill" button at the top of the bill website:  energyinnovationact.org.

4) If they don't pick up, just leave a message with the highlights.  Then please try calling a few more times (without leaving a message) over the next few days, in the hopes of reaching them.  A one-on-one discussion is more impactful than a message, but every bit helps!  If you aren't able to keep calling, perhaps just follow up with a brief email and include the invitation and the Concord Monitor op-ed about HR17 attached below.

Thank you so much for making these calls if you choose to do so, and for all you do!

Best Regards,

John Gage

Citizens' Climate Lobby state coordinator (volunteer)

Help your library set up a Climate Display for April

Help your town learn more about climate change!  Ask your library if they would consider using the month around Earth Day to provide a book display about climate science and solutions.  Share bit.ly/library-climate-display with your library's events coordinator.  If they would like to collaborate in a zoom presentation we can provide a speaker for the event.

Support HB1111 and HB1652 Related to the Plastics Crisis

We are in the midst of a plastics crisis that is growing exponentially. Two important bills to address this crisis will be heard in the NH House. We provide below detailed information to help you take action now.

HB1111 (commission to study Extended Producer Responsibility) and HB1652 (beverage container deposit), which we support, will be heard by the Environment and Agriculture Committee on Tuesday, January 18th. HB1111 will be heard at 9 am and HB1652 at 2:30 pm in the Legislative Office Building, Rm 301-303, Concord.

Here is a brief overview of each bill with a link to the full text.

HB 1111 “To Establish a Commission to Study Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)” would begin the movement toward the state’s highest priority in waste management: reducing it at the source. EPR shifts primary responsibility for the burden of waste away from consumers and municipalities and makes it a shared responsibility with producers of materials such as plastic that ends up as waste. Legislation can require producers and distributors to pay their fair share to local governments to cover the cost of recycling packages and products and dealing with waste from nonrecyclable products. Fees may be based on the amount, level of toxicity, and recycling or disposal difficulty of the product with funds being used to reimburse municipalities for recycling and waste management costs, incentivizing manufacturers to produce less waste in the first place. We support this bill.

HB 1652 "Relative to the Recycling of Beverage Containers" establishes a beverage container deposit program and directs the proceeds to the general fund and to the state recycling fund. Consumers would pay a 10 cent deposit to the retailer which would be refunded upon return of the container. A “bottle bill” will help reduce roadside litter, keep recyclable material out of landfills, provide cleaner material for bottlers, reduce municipality exposure to market fluctuations for recyclables, create new business opportunities, and increase state recycling rates. NH to date has declined to join most other Northeast states in placing a redemption fee on beverage containers ( see ME, MA, VT, CT, NY). We support this bill.


There are several ways that you can make your voice heard on these bills.

      You can attend in person, sign in and support or oppose a bill, and if you choose, present testimony if you are comfortable being in a meeting where masks are optional and with people who have not necessarily been vaccinated. Some House members reported being infected with Covid last week.

      You can email members of the House Environment and Agriculture Committee. Send an email expressing your position to all members of the committee using this address: HouseEnvironmentandAgricultureCommittee@leg.state.nh.us. If you choose this option, consider sending a copy of your email to Sponsors and Cosponsors of the bills.

      You can call members of the Environment and Agriculture Committee to ask them to vote for these bills. It is acceptable to call their home numbers. to find their number, go to this page and click on the committee members name to get full information.

      You can voice your position on the bill by going to the House Remote Sign In page. It takes approximately 3 minutes to do this. We are providing step-by-step instructions should you need them. Go to the page here.                   

1.     Select date of hearing (Jan. 18) on calendar at top of page.

2.     Select Committee from dropdown menu.

3.     Select the bill from the dropdown menu.

4.     Select Member of the Public from the dropdown menu.

5.     Click on I Support This Bill or I Oppose This Bill (then Continue).

6.     Add personal Information (then Continue).

7.     On the Final Review Page, be sure to check the box that says that the information you are providing is truthful (then Continue).

8.     Note that at the bottom of the page, you can click on Sign Up Again to go back to the beginning of this process and weigh in on another bill.

We encourage each of you to at least go to the Remote Sign-In Page and voice your support for HB1111 and HB 1652. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Kristine Baber: kmbaber@gmail.com; Bonnie Christie: bchristie1953@gmail.com

Email Congress to Demand Powerful Climate Legislation Right Now

Send a quick email to help give Congress the courage they need to include cash-back carbon pricing in the reconciliation package from cclusa.org/write.

A strong carbon price as proposed in the Carbon Fee and Dividend policy and found in the Energy innovation Act will reduce US GHG emissions by 40% in twelve years.  When combined with complementary policies it will enable Biden to achieve his goal of reducing emissions by 50% by 2030 and put us on track to be net-zero by 2050 (carboncashback.org/benefits).

Why is carbon pricing so important, and cash-back carbon pricing such a good way to do it?  Here's a 3-minute video of Prime Minister Trudeau talking about how it's working in Canada right now:  https://www.youtube.com/embed/3fF4XK2X3KA?&start=1378&end=1552&autoplay=1

ACTION: Write to Your Bank

Many of our large banks make loans to coal, gas, and oil companies. Since the Paris climate accords, banks have loaned more than three trillion dollars to fossil fuel companies, while scientists tell us it's past time to stop fossil fuel expansion.

Th!rd Act's Bug the Banks campaign provides background and provides templates and guidelines for you to let your bank know you are not happy with their loans to companies that are expanding the fossil fuel industry.


Contact newhampshirenetwork@gmail.com to get more information or to join us.
