Weekly Updates Archive - 2023
NEWS: NEtwork Weekly Stuff
News Updates, Recent Meeting Notes, and Next Meeting Information
Upcoming - Everyone is welcome!
January 7th (Sunday) - 6:00-7:30 PM - Plastics Working Group — Legislative Focus
January 10th (Second Wednesday) - 7:00 PM - Climate Working Group
January 12th (Friday) — 2:00-3:00 PM - Energy Working Group: Legislative/Policy Subgroup
January 14th (Sunday ) - 6:00-7:30 PM - Plastics Working Group — Next Regular Meeting
January 17th (Third Wednesday) - 7:00 PM - NH Network Steering Committee
What’s Happening at the NH Network 12/31/23
-CHICKS 1/04
-Information session with Clean Energy NH 1/04
-Legislative info session with Nora Jones 1/07 (Conservation Law Foundation)
-Kent Street Coalition Legislative overview 1/11
-NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night 1/11
-Plastics working group 1/14
-Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum 1/18
Take Action
-Consider bills HB463, SB 453, and SB 489 - voter access funding
-Support SB 267 before January 3rd (Details below)
-Support SB 394 before January 3rd (Details below)
-White House initiative to reduce food waste
Feed Your Brain
-SB 3440 to reduce foam waste
-Clean Air Act and the effect on public health
-Green Bank in New Hampshire?
Thursday Jan 4, 4-5 pm Clean Energy NH: History and Context for NH Air Quality
Chris Skoglund will give a formal presentation on the larger contexts he has found helpful for understanding -- on the changes in NH's energy landscape over the years, and on NH’s relationship with our New England neighbors, including with ISO-New England.
Register at https://bit.ly/AirQualityJAN4
Thursday, Jan 4 06:00 PM CHICKS
Join Zoom Meeting
CHICKS is a grassroots, cross-sector and community-integrated program to protect the emotional and physical health of young children in the face of a warming climate. CHICKS is a project of the NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action. The first meeting of the CHICKS Working Group will be January 4, 2024. All are welcome.
Sunday, January 7 6 pm Plastics Working Group
Legislative Focus Session with Nora Jones (Conservation Law Foundation)
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 11 7th Annual Kent Street Overview (zoom details forthcoming)
Thursday, January 11 7 pm NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night
NH Sierra Club is continuing monthly meetings on zoom to create a community of like minded Granite Staters to plan, act and grow a community-based move...
Sunday, January 14 6 pm Plastics WG
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 18 8:30 to 1 pm for the Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum.
Register here: 2024 YOUTH FORUM ON CLIMATE ACTION AND CLEAN ENERGY · League of Conservation Voters in New Hampshire (mobilize.us)
HB 463 is a bill that would establish an online election information portal for New Hampshire voters. An election information portal is a secure way to allow voters to fill out registration paperwork, request an absentee ballot, and request changes to their voter information online. The full House is voting on HB 463 on Jan 3.
SB 453 will appropriate the funds necessary to implement this election information portal. The Senate Finance Committee is having a public hearing on SB 453 on Jan 4 at 1:10pm at the State House - please come to testify or sign in on the bill in the new year.
SB 489 is a bill which requires the secretary of state to conduct audits of ballot counting devices to be used at state primary and general elections. A properly designed, well executed, post-election audit can find counting errors, correct them, deter fraud, and provide data for continuous improvement in election administration. Jan 9 at 9:10am the Senate Election law committee is having a public hearing on SB 489 at the State House. Please come to testify or sign in on the bill in the new year.
Quick Links to Contact Legislators
Contact your state representatives before January 3rd using the link below and ask them to support an election information portal-HB 463
Contact the members of the senate finance committee before January 4th using the link below and ask them to support funding the election information portal-SB 453
Contact the members of the senate election law committee before January 9th using the link below and ask them to support SB 489 to require election audits
In a two-day session, our NH Legislators will vote on 2023 retained bills like the one below. (All retained bills of interest to the NH Network are listed on their NH Bill Actions webpage.)
This bill, SB267, Bill Text: NH SB267 was turned down in the House Finance Committee along party lines. Before that, it had bipartisan support and could succeed now.
Please email or call legislators you think could make a difference. THANKS! (There is no remote sign up for this bill.)
Any questions? Email or call Cynthia Walter, cawal...@gmail.com 412-610-4327
Talking points for your personal, short message:
Please vote Ought to Pass for SB267, a bill to add resources for the Department of Environmental Services (DES). NHDES endorsed the bill as amended by Sen. Avard and it had bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
This bill funds a position at DES to use a scientifically-based process called Cumulative Impacts Analysis (CIA) as they consider possible updates in permitting.
Currently, NHDES grants a permit for a facility based on only the impacts of that one facility. However, a new facility in combination with other facilities may, in fact, have cumulative impacts that will harm people or critical resources.
For example, my city had to spend $50 million to upgrade drinking water treatment because several similar industries added too many problem chemicals into our drinking water aquifer.
SB 267 provides much-needed funds for NHDES to determine whether and how cumulative impacts should be addressed in permitting. This can aid in planning and protection of our health and resources such as air and water quality.
SB 394-FN-A, the bill to appropriate $1M to the cyanobacteria fund and allot $350K of that to Lake Kanasatka is being heard in the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday, Jan. 4 at 1:40 pm in Room 103 at the State House. Lake Kanasatka has been experiencing repeated cyanobacteria blooms for the past few years. In fact, it has just had another alert issued today. The blooms in Kanasatka impact Lake Winnipesaukee as well, as Kanasatka drains into Blackey Cove, Lake Winnipesaukee.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that supporters of this bill communicate their support to members of the Committee. There are several ways to do this:
1. Attend the hearing, sign up in support on the forms on the table just inside the hearing room. If possible, also indicate that you want to speak in favor of the bill. Your remarks should be 3 mins and speak to how this bill benefits the region and environment (don’t make it just about a personal benefit) but also say how blooms have impacted you.
2. If you cannot attend, email the committee with your support and why. Again, short and a personal appeal is more likely to be read. Copy and paste the following email addresses to reach the senators on this committee: James.Gray@leg.state.nh.us, Daniel.Innis@leg.state.nh.us, Regina.Birdsell@leg.state.nh.us, Howard.Pearl@leg.state.nh.us, Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.us, Cindy.Rosenwald@leg.state.nh.us, Lou.Dallesandro@leg.state.nh.us, debra.martone@leg.state.nh.us
3. Use the remote sign in form to also share your support for this bill. https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/remotecommittee/senate.aspx
USDA, EPA, and the FDA seek comments on the Draft National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics, a strategy to help prevent the loss and waste of food, where possible, increase recycling of food and other organic materials to support a more circular economy for all, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save households and businesses money, and build cleaner and healthier communities.
Link: https://www.regulations.gov/document/EPA-HQ-OLEM-2022-0415-0001
Deadline: January 4, 2024
Senate Bill 2440: To prohibit the sale and distribution of expanded polystyrene food service ware, expanded polystyrene loose fill, and expanded polystyrene coolers, and for other purposes.
6 out of 9 co-sponsors are from New England, and this begins to address foam packaging as well as food service foam.
Woo Hoo!!!
There is a 2020 report from NRDC that gives a lot of information about health impacts of the Clean Air Act:
And here is a scientific paper, from 2012 so not as current, that gives more detail from the public health perspective:
Granite State Banks: Missing The Green Boat?
by Robert L. Pinsonneault — December 1, 2023 17:30
Green banks have hit the scene in a big way in the wake of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 — and it was a long time in coming. The IRA established a long sought-after 1 national green bank with monies from the newly minted Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) worth $27 Billion. The national green bank is tasked with disbursing these via a host of innovative financial products managed by public, public-private, or non-profit institutions at the state and local level. But what really is this new, climate friendly national bank? How does it 2 3 actually work? And can the residents of New Hampshire actually benefit from its largesse?
Greening the Green
According to the EPA, green banks tend to be institutions that are mission-forward, meaning they encourage the investment of private capital towards projects and products that are meant to advance the common good. To be eligible for funding from the GGRF, these investments must 4 be aimed at the “deployment of clean energy”, go across sectors (e.g. commercial, residential, public, and transportation), and help to “bridge market gaps”. The state of Connecticut was not 5 only the first in New England, but indeed the entire Nation, to offer green banking services starting in 2011. The bank is a quasi-public agency, meaning that they “leverag[e] ratepayer 6 funds with private capital to offer low-cost, long-term financing for clean energy projects.” In so 7 doing, the Connecticut Green Bank anticipated most of the requirements of the GGRF, but it remains unclear to what extent stakeholders, particularly denizens of rural communities, will have ready access to these green loans.
Green Loan Fairness
One of the greatest challenges facing the transition to a clean energy economy is the availability of project financing for rural, low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities. These localities, 8 including a hefty percentage of New Hampshire towns (and not just north of the Notch) carry a greater energy cost burden than their urban counterparts — as much as 40 percent higher in some
cases. The cause of this unequal burden can be attributed in large measure to economies of 9 scale; cities have more people, and therefore more ratepayers to help defray the costs of energy infrastructure maintenance or installation. The Connecticut Green Bank model will simply not work in Lancaster or Pittsburgh or Bethlehem or Ossipee because there aren’t enough ratepayers in those places to make loans through a quasi-public green bank viable. And yet, it is clear that those are the communities that need the most help. Enter the GGRF. This fund would provide more of the up-front financing than the traditional quasi-public model, making it easier for low population, LMI locations like Lancaster, NH to successfully apply for, and benefit from, loans that will help to introduce efficient and renewable energy infrastructure to these over-burdened communities. One way to ensure this occurs is to have a sliding maximum income threshold beyond which individuals or communities would not be eligible for financing. The rich cannot be getting richer as a result of green banking.
Ensuring Efficiency
Government waste is a big topic here in New Hampshire, and most folks, whether rural or citizens of the Southern Tier, don’t have much of an appetite for throwing good money after bad. Therefore, any green bank that is built on GGRF funding must be structured to ensure loans only go to those projects that actually work, that satisfy energy needs today. The challenge, of course, is to balance this with an inviolable requirement of the GGRF: real, demonstrable decreases in emissions from energy infrastructure. To find this balance, loans from a Granite Green Bank would only go to projects that have seen success in other northern New England states. These include projects like those sponsored by Efficiency Maine, which seems to fulfil the promise of its name by incorporating greenhouse gas emissions reductions in their definition of efficiency, thereby prioritizing renewable sources. Maine is able to do this on the authority of their state’s 10 climate change goals, which is where New Hampshire runs in trouble. Our state does not yet have a climate action plan on the books, and until it does, no amount of financial enticements or promises of fairness will be enough to make a Granite Green Bank a reality.
December 27, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
If you are not a subscriber to FUTURE CRUNCH then consider it.
Although the day to day news can be dismal, Future Crunch offers significant and far reaching world wide good news. The link below offers the 66 most impactful stories of 2023 Points 17 through 27 highlight environment and energy progress, but other sections share global health, social and economic outcomes.
Meetings and Events
-CHICKS 1/04
-Information session with Clean Energy NH 1/04
-Legislative info session with Nora Jones 1/07 (Conservation Law Foundation)
-Kent Street Coalition Legislative overview 1/11
-NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night 1/11
-Energy Working Group: Legislative/Policy Subgroup 1/12
-Plastics working group 1/14
-Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum 1/18
Take Action:
-Support SB 267 before January 3rd (Details below)
-Support SB 394 before January 3rd (Details below)
Meetings and Events
Thursday Jan 4, 4-5 pm Clean Energy NH: History and Context for NH Air Quality
Chris will give a formal presentation on the larger contexts he has found helpful for understanding -- on the changes in NH's energy landscape over the years, and on NH’s relationship with our New England neighbors, including with ISO-New England.
Register at https://bit.ly/AirQualityJAN4
Thursday, Jan 4 06:00 PM CHICKS
Join Zoom Meeting
-CHICKS is a grassroots, cross-sector and community-integrated program to protect the emotional and physical health of young children in the face of a warming climate. CHICKS is a project of the NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action. The first meeting of the CHICKS Working Group will be January 4, 2024. All are welcome.
Sunday, January 7 6 pm Legislative Focus Session with Nora Jones (Conservation Law)
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 11 7th
Annual Kent Street Overview (zoom details forthcoming)
Thursday, January 11 7 pm NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night
NH Sierra Club is continuing monthly meetings on zoom to create a community of like minded Granite Staters to plan, act and grow a community-based move...
Sunday, January 14 6 pm Plastics WG
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 18 8:30 to 1 pm for the Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum.
Register here: 2024 YOUTH FORUM ON CLIMATE ACTION AND CLEAN ENERGY · League of Conservation Voters in New Hampshire (mobilize.us)
Take Action
In a two-day session, our NH Legislators will vote on 2023 retained bills like the one below. (All retained bills of interest to the NH Network are listed on their NH Bill Actions webpage.)
This bill, SB267, Bill Text: NH SB267 was turned down in the House Finance Committee along party lines. Before that, it had bipartisan support and could succeed now.
Please email or call legislators you think could make a difference. THANKS! (There is no remote sign up for this bill.)
Any questions? Email or call Cynthia Walter, cawal...@gmail.com 412-610-4327
Talking points for your personal, short message:
Please vote Ought to Pass for SB267, a bill to add resources for the Department of Environmental Services (DES). NHDES endorsed the bill as amended by Sen. Avard and it had bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
This bill funds a position at DES to use a scientifically-based process called Cumulative Impacts Analysis (CIA) as they consider possible updates in permitting.
Currently, NHDES grants a permit for a facility based on only the impacts of that one facility. However, a new facility in combination with other facilities may, in fact, have cumulative impacts that will harm people or critical resources.
For example, my city had to spend $50 million to upgrade drinking water treatment because several similar industries added too many problem chemicals into our drinking water aquifer.
SB 267 provides much-needed funds for NHDES to determine whether and how cumulative impacts should be addressed in permitting. This can aid in planning and protection of our health and resources such as air and water quality.
SB 394-FN-A, the bill to appropriate $1M to the cyanobacteria fund and allot $350K of that to Lake Kanasatka is being heard in the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday, Jan. 4 at 1:40 pm in Room 103 at the State House. Lake Kanasatka has been experiencing repeated cyanobacteria blooms for the past few years. In fact, it has just had another alert issued today. The blooms in Kanasatka impact Lake Winnipesaukee as well, as Kanasatka drains into Blackey Cove, Lake Winnipesaukee.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that supporters of this bill communicate their support to members of the Committee. There are several ways to do this:
1. Attend the hearing, sign up in support on the forms on the table just inside the hearing room. If possible, also indicate that you want to speak in favor of the bill. Your remarks should be 3 mins and speak to how this bill benefits the region and environment (don’t make it just about a personal benefit) but also say how blooms have impacted you.
2. If you cannot attend, email the committee with your support and why. Again, short and a personal appeal is more likely to be read. Copy and paste the following email addresses to reach the senators on this committee: James.Gray@leg.state.nh.us, Daniel.Innis@leg.state.nh.us, Regina.Birdsell@leg.state.nh.us, Howard.Pearl@leg.state.nh.us, Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.us, Cindy.Rosenwald@leg.state.nh.us, Lou.Dallesandro@leg.state.nh.us, debra.martone@leg.state.nh.us
3. Use the remote sign in form to also share your support for this bill. https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/remotecommittee/senate.aspx
December 18, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Clean Energy NH is offering an important overview to begin the legislative season.
Wednesday, December 20th at 2 pm Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season.
In addition, for anyone wanting an opportunity for discussion or clarification, Chris Skoglund (of CENH)is making himself available the next day, Dec 21 at 4 pm, as the initial meeting of a “subgroup” of the new Energy Working Group.
Meeting ID: 817 7762 3630 Passcode: 594273
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kUSq9RvR3
Also, on Thursday, Jan 4, Chris will give a formal presentation on the larger contexts he has found helpful for understanding -- on the changes in NH's energy landscape over the years, and NH’s relationship with our New England neighbors, including with ISO-New England. (Zoom link TBA)
Meetings and Events
Clean Energy NH 2024 Legislative Overview 12/20
Clean Energy NH clarification and discussion 12/21
Energy WG 1/04
Legislative info session with Nora Jones 1/07 (Conservation Law Foundation)
Kent Street Coalition Legislative Overview 1/11
NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night 1/11
Plastics working group 1/14
Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum 1/18
Take Action
Fast Democracy website: Track federal and state legislation on areas of interest
Go VEGAN for a month!
Feed Your Brain
Bow Power Plant update and action
Meetings and Events
Join the New England Young Fishermen's Alliance and us for a special event on December 18 from 3-4 pm.
Register: https://www.nhfoodalliance.org/line-new-hampshires-young-fishermen
The fishermen and women, who have successfully completed the New England Young Fishermen's Alliance 9-month professional development program, called Deckhand to Captain training, will share their stories with the NH Food Alliance Network— how they started in the seafood industry, what drives them to protect their livelihoods, the challenges they face, and opportunities they hope to embrace as they transition from the deck to the captain's wheelhouse.
Their stories are informed by their learnings through intensive training on business plan development, financing, collaborative marketing, seafood industry advocacy work, safety training, cooperative research, and much more as part of this one-of-a-kind training program. Come together to connect with our fishermen and women and feel informed by their experiences as we continue to support and serve this vital food-producing community in New Hampshire. We will hear from the fishermen and women and have ample time for questions and further networking.
Wednesday, December 20th at 2 pm Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season. Energy committee members might consider asking their towns to join CENH as municipal members for $250 a year.
Thursday, December 21st, 4 pm Energy WG and Clean Energy NH
Friday, January 4th, 4 to 5 pm Energy WG (zoom link will be forwarded)
Focusing on a preview of energy policy in the next legislative session.
Friday, January 4th, 6:00 pm CHICKS
Join Zoom Meeting
CHICKS is a grassroots, cross-sector, and community-integrated program to protect the emotional and physical health of young children in the face of a warming climate. CHICKS is a project of the NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action. The first meeting of the CHICKS Working Group will be January 4, 2024. All are welcome.
Sunday, January 7, 6 pm Legislative Focus Session with Nora Jones (Conservation Law)
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 11, 7th Annual Kent Street Overview (zoom details forthcoming)
Thursday, January 11, 7 pm. NH Sierra Club Volunteer Night
NH Sierra Club is continuing monthly meetings on zoom to create a community of like-minded Granite Staters to plan, act, and grow a community-based move...
Sunday, January 14, 6 pm Plastics WG
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 18 8:30 to 1 pm for the Youth Climate Action & Clean Energy Forum.
Register here: 2024 YOUTH FORUM ON CLIMATE ACTION AND CLEAN ENERGY · League of Conservation Voters in New Hampshire (mobilize.us)
Take Action
Fast democracy. Track federal and state legislation in areas of your interest.
You may already know about this but here is a site where you can track both US and State bills on topics you choose.
Veganuary Challenge! It involves eating a purely plant-based (vegan) diet for one month.
It’s the most environmentally friendly diet. It’s been calculated that if you stick to a vegan diet for one month you’ll be responsible for saving over 32 thousand gallons of water, and over 600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions (that’s better than giving up your car for a month!)
We're starting January 1st. How do you get started? Sign up here for recipe ideas and information:
Feed Your Brain
Merrimack Station Delays Second Smoke Stack
Retest Following February Failure
Community Members Keep Watch Over Coal Plant While Awaiting Word on Third Re-Test
BOW, NH. -- Merrimack Station, New England’s largest remaining coal plant, canceled its second smokestack retest of the year on Thursday, November 30. The retest was scheduled following allegations by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) that the plant’s particulate matter emissions exceeded EPA limits by 70% during a February test. The plant’s owner, Granite Shore Power, aborted the first scheduled retest in October following a mechanical failure. A smoke stack retest has yet to be completed since and, according to DES, Merrimack Station is currently not in compliance.
Since the second canceled retest, New Hampshire Sierra Club members in the Capital Region community have kept a close watch on the smokestack. Today, the New Hampshire Sierra Club chapter released a collection of photos captured over the past two weeks showing plumes of various sizes rising from the stack. In some photos, the air surrounding the plant is a hazy shade of brown in stark contrast to the blue skies above.
In May, DES warned Granite Shore Power that operating the coal units before a successful stack test performance would “constitute an excess emission and a deviation from permit conditions.”
In response to the plant’s continued operations, Catherine Corkery, Senior Regional Organizing Representative with the New Hampshire Chapter, issued the following statement:
"It is incredibly disheartening to see smoke rise above the Merrimack Station smoke stack day-after-day. Without properly passing a stack test, it is uncertain whether the coal plant is operating at permissible particulate matter levels. Exposure to PM can cause or worsen cardiovascular disease, asthma, and diabetes. Heightened pollutants put our elderly, children, neighbors with chronic medical conditions, and Concord — one of the state’s most racially diverse communities — at great risk.
These consequences cannot be ignored. New Hampshire Sierra Club volunteers and staff will continue to look out the windows of our homes and workplaces for signs of toxic pollutants in the air throughout the region. We call on DES to ensure Merrimack Station passes a performance test before continuing operations."
About the Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit www.sierraclub.org.
Take time to rest your brain
and enjoy the holiday season!
December 11, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Notes from the December 3rd Plastics WG
Hi Energy working group members and wider NH Network folks,
Here is the link to the recording & presentations from last week's Energy WG
Topics Covered:
Round-robin with introductions and projects we are working on
Presentation of EWG survey results
Subgroups - Energy Policy & Energy Committee Sub-Groups
Update on NH Priority Climate Action Plan consultation, Net Metering, NH Saves
We agreed to set up two sub-groups: 1) Energy Policy, focused on tracking and engaging on energy policy at the state level and 2) Energy Committees, focused on exchanging information and resources among energy committees. Stay tuned for more information about future meeting times. These will meet separately from the monthly Energy Working Group meetings, and will likely report-back to the wider group periodically with updates, resources, and actions.
Thanks to everyone who joined and shared in the discussions! We're off to a great start. Please invite anyone you think would be interested in joining this group to send an email to Susan Richman (susan7richman@gmail.com) or Gabrielle Watson (watson.gabrielle@gmail.com).
Climate WG 12/13
NH Agricultural Policy Forum 12/13
League of Conservation Voters 12/14
Sierra Club Volunteer Meeting 12/14
Clean Energy NH 2024 Legislative Overview 12/20
Energy WG 1/04
Plastics Working Group -Legislative info session with Nora Jones 1/07 (Conservation Law Foundation)
Kent Street Coalition Legislative overview 1/11
Plastics working group 1/14
Take Action:
Fast Democracy website: Track federal and state legislation on areas of interest
Go VEGAN for a month!
Feed Your Brain:
For Some Young Republicans Climate Change is Not an Oxymoron
New Energy Efficiency Plan Moves Forward
List serve for NH EV owners or potential owners
Detailed info sheet on EPR legislation
Meetings and Events
Wednesday, December 13 - NH Network Climate Working Group 7 to 8 pm
We hope a representative from every member organization of the NH Network working on climate change will attend. Let's connect, share plans and projects, and amplify each other's efforts!
Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099 9831200408# 1632#
Wednesday, December 13th 8:15 am to 9 30 am 2023 Annual NH Policy Forum highlighting up coming legislation
Thursday, December 14 11 30 to 1 pm League of Conservation Voters:
Clean Energy and Climate Action in 2024 - A New Hampshire and National Perspective
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church 21 Centre Street Concord, NH
Join the League of Conservation Voters and partners as we look forward To January of 2024 with a full docket of clean energy and climate action proposals which is set to be considered by New Hampshire lawmakers.
Speakers will provide insight and analysis on the 2024 New Hampshire policy landscape with continued funding for energy efficiency investments, advocacy for more renewable energy sources and the development of offshore wind as just a few of the topics at hand. The program will also provide updates on federal funding from both the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act.
For more information, contact League of Conservation Voters New Hampshire State Director Director Rob Werner at rob_werner@lcv.org. (603) 674-9810 (mobile)
Thursday, December 14 7 pm Sierra Club Volunteer Meeting including an update on the Bow Power Plant
Wednesday, December 20th at 2 pm Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season. Energy committee members might consider asking their towns to join CENH as municipal members for $250 a year. I got our Select Board to join CENH this year and we have put this cost into our budget request for next year. This is a very good way to access CENH insights on legislation and other energy policy in New Hampshire. (And you get two tickets to the Local Energy Solutions conference, worth $200!)
Friday, January 4 4 to 5 pm Energy WG (zoom link will be forwarded)
Focusing on a preview of energy policy in the next legislative session.
Sunday, January 7 6 pm Legislative Focus Session with Nora Jones (Conservation Law)
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Thursday, January 11 7th Annual Kent Street Overview (zoom details forthcoming)
Sunday, January 14 6 pm Plastics WG
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Take Action
Fast democracy. Track federal and state legislation in areas of your interest.
You may already know about this but here is a site where you can track both US and State bills on topics you choose.
Veganuary Challenge!
It involves eating a purely plant-based (vegan) diet for one month.
It’s the most environmentally friendly diet. It’s been calculated that if you stick to a vegan diet for one month you’ll be responsible for saving… over 32 thousand gallons of water, and over 600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions (that’s better than giving up your car for a month!)
We're starting January 1st. How do you get started? Sign up here for recipe ideas and information:
Feed Your Brain
For Some Young Republicans Climate Change is Not an Oxymoron
New Energy Efficiency Plan Moves Forward (with some controversy - my opinion)
If you own, or you're thinking of buying, an EV, you might want to join this listserve for the NH EV Community:
Detailed info sheet on EPR legislation
December 3, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Seemingly, there are endless opportunities to connect and meet during the month of December. It can be overwhelming, but one hopes you will choose a couple or three to join.
-Good news on recycling:
-Good news: the NH Saves Program approved by NH PUC. Thanks to all that sent letters.
-Good news as reported from Senator Shaeen’s office:
-Senator Shaheen celebrated the towns of Exeter, Peterborough and Harrisville that were
among only 12 projects nationwide selected for $900,000 through the Energy Efficiency
and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Senator Shaheen was in Exeter to
discuss their project which will partner with NHSaves and Weatherization programs in
the state to bring energy efficient upgrades to over 100 manufactured homes.
Clean Energy NH was awarded $500,000 through USDA RD, Rural Energy for America
Program (REAP) Technical Assistance funding that was expanded through the Inflation
Reduction Act.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and NOAA announced $144 million in new grants to support natural infrastructure projects in 31 coastal states and U.S. territories. Congratulations, to the Town of Durham ($1,994,500) and The Nature Conservancy-New Hampshire ($999,800) for their projects that were selected for funding.
-Here are two links for an upcoming 12/06 ISO Meeting in Boston. The first is written by Don Kreis and is worth your time.
Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan…seeking public input for obtaining federal grants to reduce greenhouse effects: various dates and workshops to affect climate change in NH
-Plastics WG 12/3
-Energy WG 12/7
-Community Action Plan 12/06
-ISO NE Boston meeting 12/06
-Citizens Climate WG 12/6
-NH Agricultural Policy Forum 12/13
-League of Conservation Voters 12/14
-Sierra Club Volunteer Meeting 12/14
-Clean Energy NH 2024 Legislative Overview 12/20
-Take Action:
Attend any, all or some of the above listed meetings. Legislative action is around the corner.
-Feed Your Brain:
-Environmental and energy updates from Senator Shaheen’s office
Meetings and Events
-November 30, January 30 and February 8 Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
There are a series of community and public comments and sharing committees to enable NH to participate in a 4.6 billion dollar grant to reduce greenhouse emissions. The grant specifically asks for local input.
Three cross-sector shareholder gatherings where people working on greenhouse gas and air pollution reduction efforts, advocates, non-profits, regional and city/town planners, association leaders, etc. can talk together about priorities and projects that are essential elements of New Hampshire's PCAP (due March 1, 2024)
-December 6, January 9 and January 24 Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
UPDATE ON Climate Action Plan listening sessions: Several NH Network members attended the Nov 30 session. It was beautifully organized (well-moderated break-out sessions on different topics),and the opportunity to hear from one another was interesting and informative! Highly recommend you sign up for one, and report back! Moving forward we have number of community conversation opportunities both ONLINE and IN-PERSON for this first phase of work. They are occurring between December 6 th, 2023 and February 8 th, 2024.
Share the following link with people who can help move NH forward.
Three community conversations: Between December 2023 and early February 2024, a series of community conversations will offer time for people to learn, listen, and talk with each other to help develop a priority climate action plan focused on air pollution reductions in New Hampshire. These conversations are focused on talking about local issues and potential solutions.
Important details on engagement, action goals and input are available at:
-Sunday, December 3 at 6 pm Plastics WG meeting.
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
-Monday, December 7 at 4 pm Energy WG
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87570493142?pwd=sEOVZHyM6ZIVYXPcaHsaOAfS0Rnbia.1 Meeting ID: 875 7049 3142 Passcode: 425473
-Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023, 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST (Virtual option starts at 12:30.)
Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Customer Liaison Group meeting on operation of the NE grid. These links will explain why this meeting is so important.
WHERE: Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02116. Validated parking onsite. In-person registration is limited to 125 people and closes on Wed, Nov 29 at noon.
IN-PERSON registration is linked here.
VIRTUAL registration is linked here.
-Wednesday, December 6th at 7 pm Citizens Climate WG
Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099 9831200408# 1632#
-Wednesday, December 13th 8:15 am to 9 30 am 2023 Annual NH Policy Forum highlighting up coming legislation
-Thursday, December 14 11 30 to 1 pm League of Conservation Voters: Clean Energy and Climate Action in 2024 - A New Hampshire and National Perspective
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church 21 Centre Street Concord, NH
Join the League of Conservation Voters and partners as we look forward To January of 2024 with a full docket of clean energy and climate action proposals which is set to be considered by New Hampshire lawmakers.
Speakers will provide insight and analysis on the 2024 New Hampshire policy landscape with continued funding for energy efficiency investments, advocacy for more renewable energy sources and the development of offshore wind as just a few of the topics at hand. The program will also provide updates on federal funding from both the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act.
For more information, contact League of Conservation Voters New Hampshire State Director Director Rob Werner at rob_werner@lcv.org. (603) 674-9810 (mobile)
-Thursday, December 14 7 pm Sierra Club Volunteer Meeting including an update on the Bow Power Plant
-Wednesday, December 20th at 2 pm Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season. Energy committee members might consider asking their towns to join CENH as municipal members for $250 a year. I got our Select Board to join CENH this year and we have put this cost into our budget request for next year. This is a very good way to access CENH insights on legislation and other energy policy in New Hampshire. (And you get two tickets to the Local Energy Solutions conference, worth $200!)
Feed Your Brain
-Here are federal energy and environment updates from Senator Shaheen’s office
Below are Federal environment and energy (E&E) updates from the past month. I am also
attaching last month’s newsletter as a reminder of grant announcements from the previous
month. Please do not hesitate to reach out if Senator Shaheen can be helpful to you and your
community or organization.
Senator Shaheen Updates:
Senator Shaheen recently became Chair of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Senator Shaheen’s first hearing will be tomorrow, Wednesday, November 1 at 2:30 on the topic of “The Great Outdoors: Small Businesses and America’s Outdoor Recreation Economy.” New Hampshire Small Business Owner, Andrew Drummond of Ski the Whites will be one of the witnesses for the hearing. The hearing will be livestreamed on the Senate Small Business and
Entrepreneurship Committee website.
NH Municipal Association and Senator Shaheen’s office held a webinar about Elective
Pay, a provision of Inflation Reduction Act. Elective pay allows applicable entities,
including tax-exempt and governmental entities that would otherwise be unable to claim
certain credits because they do not owe federal income tax, to benefit from some clean
energy tax credits. By choosing this election, the amount of the credit is treated as a
payment of tax and any overpayment will result in a refund. You can re-watch the
webinar and access further resources about elective pay here.
New Hampshire Congressional Delegation Applauds Twin States Clean Energy Link’s
Selection to be Part of $1.3 Billion U.S. Department of Energy Program.
Senator Shaheen celebrated the towns of Exeter, Peterborough and Harrisville that were
among only 12 projects nationwide selected for $900,000 through the Energy Efficiency
and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Senator Shaheen was in Exeter to
discuss their project which will partner with NHSaves and Weatherization programs in
the state to bring energy efficient upgrades to over 100 manufactured homes.
Clean Energy NH was awarded $500,000 through USDA RD, Rural Energy for America
Program (REAP) Technical Assistance funding that was expanded through the Inflation
Reduction Act.
U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a senior member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
that funds the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), announced with the
NH delegation that $27.6 million in LIHEAP funds are being awarded to New Hampshire to
assist Granite State families ahead of the winter season with fuel assistance. Granite Staters can
apply for heating assistance through their local Community Action Partnership office. Please visit
CAPNH.org to find an office near you.'
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced
an investment of nearly $3.4 Million in New Technologies for Ag Extension at the University of
New Hampshire.
New Hampshire will receive a Department of Energy (DOE) award totaling $6,619,797
to help modernize the state’s power grid. The funding will be used to invest in
disadvantaged communities, bolster grid resilience for extreme weather and other disruptive events and provide additional workforce development and training
opportunities. New Hampshire will hold a competitive selection process to identify
projects in need of this funding. These grants were funded by the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law.
U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Susan Collins announced their bipartisan resolution to
designate October 4, 2023, as “Energy Efficiency Day” passed the Senate unanimously.
The resolution celebrates and promotes the economic and environmental benefits gained
from investing in energy efficiency.
Federal Grants & Programs Announced:
*New*: The White House is updating a running list of IRA funding opportunities here
and BIL funding opportunities here. I will keep highlighting major Notice of Funding
Announcements for energy and environment projects below but be sure to check these
list frequently for updates of all open funding.
For a complete list of IRA and BIL grants & programs please check out the IRA
Guidebook and the BIL Guidebook.
The Biden Administration released a technical assistance guide which helps communities
navigate, access, and deploy infrastructure, climate resilience and clean energy funding.
The guide provides comprehensive information about more than 100 federal technical
assistance programs that can support efforts to win Federal funding and deploy it in
communities across the nation.
Below are a couple of grants and programs that were announced last month. Please reach out if
Senator Shaheen can be helpful in identifying grants or writing a letter of support for a federal
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $235 million in
grants to assess and clean up polluted brownfield sites across the country. The new grants through
EPA’s Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup (MAC) program will advance
environmental justice and help transform what were once polluted, vacant, and abandoned
properties into community assets while spurring economic revitalization in underserved
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is making nearly $50 million in grant
funding available for proposals that support crucial links between resilient, healthy forests, strong
rural economies and jobs in the forestry sector. The open funding opportunity comes through the
Forest Service’s three key grant programs to support the forest products economy: Wood
Innovations Grant, Community Wood Grant, and Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance Grant
Programs. The agency is seeking proposals that support innovative uses of wood in the
construction of low carbon buildings, as a renewable energy source, and in manufacturing and
processing products. These programs also provide direct support to expand and retrofit wood
energy systems and wood products manufacturing facilities nationwide.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the availability of up to $36 million through
President Biden’s Investing in America agenda for fish passage projects across the nation that
address outdated, unsafe or obsolete dams, culverts, levees and other barriers fragmenting our
nation’s rivers and streams.
FEMA is making $1.8 billion available for two grant programs designed to help communities
increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change, including increasingly frequent and
extreme weather events. The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) annual
grant program is making $1 billion available for projects that protect people and infrastructure
from natural hazards and the effects of climate change. The Flood Mitigation Assistance program
is making $800 million available.
November 26, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
This week’s summary offers action and meeting opportunities. Time sensitive action is supporting net metering. Ideally, you can take time today to contact the various stake players.
There is an important and simple action item on PFAS within NH and within North Carolina.
Meetings and Events
Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan…seeking public input for obtaining federal grants to reduce greenhouse effects
-Plastics WG 12/3
-Energy WG 12/7
-ISO NE Boston meeting 12/06
-Citizens Climate WG 12/6
-NH Agricultural Policy Forum 12/13
-Clean Energy NH 2024 Legislative Overview 12/20
Take Action
-Sierra Club PFAS petition
-Take action before 11/27 on contacting the PUC re: net metering pricing.
-Take action to support Rep. Aron’s letter concerning PFAS leakage into the Ammonoosuc River
Feed Your Brain
-Coal particulates are worse for human health than previously thought.
-Bow power plant fails “stack” test. Exceeds federal limits by 70%.
-The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) and White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) meetings and listening sessions.
Meetings and Events
-November 30, January 30 and February 8 Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
There are a series of community and public comments and sharing committees to enable NH to participate in a 4.6 billion dollar grant to reduce greenhouse emissions. The grant specifically asks for local input.
Three cross-sector shareholder gatherings where people working on greenhouse gas and air pollution reduction efforts, advocates, non-profits, regional and city/town planners, association leaders, etc. can talk together about priorities and projects that are essential elements of New Hampshire's PCAP (due March 1, 2024)
-December 6, January 9 and January 24 Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
Three community conversations: Between December 2023 and early February 2024, a series of community conversations will offer time for people to learn, listen, and talk with each other to help develop a priority climate action plan focused on air pollution reductions in New Hampshire. These conversations are focused on talking about local issues and potential solutions.
Important details on engagement, action goals and input are available at:
-Sunday, December 3 at 6 pm Plastics WG meeting.
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
-Monday, December 7 at 4 pm Energy WG
Meeting ID: 875 7049 3142 Passcode: 425473
-Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023, 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST (Virtual option starts at 12:30.)
Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Customer Liaison Group meeting on operation of the NE grid.
WHERE: Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02116. Validated parking onsite. In-person registration is limited to 125 people and closes on Wed, Nov 29 at noon.
IN-PERSON registration is linked here.
VIRTUAL registration is linked here.
-Wednesday, December 6th at 7 pm Citizens Climate WG
Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099 9831200408# 1632#
-Wednesday, December 13th 8:15 am to 9 30 am 2023 Annual NH Policy Forum highlighting up coming legislation
-Wednesday, December 20th at 2 pm Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season. Energy committee members might consider asking their towns to join CENH as municipal members for $250 a year. I got our Select Board to join CENH this year and we have put this cost into our budget request for next year. This is a very good way to access CENH insights on legislation and other energy policy in New Hampshire. (And you get two tickets to the Local Energy Solutions conference, worth $200!)
Take Action
-PFAS in any state is a threat to all states. Consider signing this petition.
I just signed this petition from Sierra Club North Carolina, calling on EPA Administrator Michael Regan to halt permission for Chemours to import 4 million pounds of PFAS waste from the Netherlands to its Fayetteville NC plant. This is an issue of national significance, as imported wastes could be sent to landfills or incinerators around the country.
After your sign, please pass on this request to fellow activists.
Thank you.
Tracy Frisch
Clean Air Action Network of Glens Falls (NY)
-Join one of the Department of Energy public sessions to make federal funds available for limiting greenhouse emissions. (Details offered above.)
-The NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be considering setting a new Net Metering rate for NH residents, business, and local governments. The decision will be issued next May, June, or July. It's a way off. However, the DOE has to develop and submit a position on what that should be by December 1. The docket number is DE 22-060
Likely, this will be a contentious issue when the case formally begins at the PUC. The DOE/State of NH's position could be a large influence on final order. As you likely know, the Governor has been skeptical of small scale solar throughout his political career. He has shown a willingness to support it on occasion.
Ideally, letters would get to the Governor and/or DOE by Nov 27. In terms of content,
The letters do NOT need to be perfect. It would be better to get more contacts from local governments, energy committees, or businesses than a few immaculate arguments.
Economic arguments (this is good for our taxpayers) may be more influential than environmental arguments (fortunately what's good for the economy/taxpayers is good for GHG emissions.
Ideally individualized copies would be sent to both DOE and Gov.
DOE Commissioner: Jared Chicoine - jared.s.chicoine@energy.nh.gov
Governor: governorsununu@nh.gov
For DOE consider cc'd DOE staff (pick 1?)
DOE DIrector of Regulatory Support: Tom Frantz - Thomas.C.Frantz@energy.nh.gov
Renewable Energy Division: deandra.m.perruccio@energy.nh.gov
General: energy-info@energy.nh.gov
-At a Third Act NH virtual event, Kendra Ford of 350NH / NoCoal No Gas encouraged turnout at the Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Customer Liaison Group meeting on December 6th in Boston, beginning at 12 PM.
This meeting is open to consumers and others who are interested in the operation of the grid, via either a virtual or a live option.
You need to register for the event and there is. (Sign up options are listed above.)
- Below is a letter Rep. Judy Aron sent to the DES in response to Jon Swan's report (also below) of PFAS compounds in samples he took from the Ammonoosuc River -- which had seeped from the NCES Landfill. (Given that DES has been reluctant to expand its monitoring responsibilities in other locations, this letter seems especially timely.)
PLEASE ADD YOUR VOICE -- Praise Chairperson Aron of the House Environment & Agriculture Committee for her leadership and especially for her concern over PFAS.
Your letter will go to the House Env & Ag Comm, the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee, and DES Robert Scott and Mike Wimsatt if you copy the addresses from Representative Aron's letter. ( I had to tinker with these emails a bit, but they will “go.”)
<robert.scott@des.nh.gov>; Wimsatt, Mike <michael.j.wimsatt@des.nh.gov>; Mike Wimsatt <michael.wimsatt@des.nh.gov>
Cc: saveforestlake@yahoo.com <saveforestlake@yahoo.com>; ~House Environment and Agriculture Committee <houseenvironmentandagriculturecommittee@leg.state.nh.us>; Kevin Avard <kevin.avard@leg.state.nh.us>; ~Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee <senateenergyandnaturalresources@leg.state.nh.us>; Crepeau, Adam <adam.j.crepeau@nh.gov>; Jeb Bradley <jeb.bradley@leg.state.nh.us>; Sherman Packard <sherman.packard@leg.state.nh.us>
Judy Aron <judy...@leg.state.nh.us>; Robert Scott <robert...@des.nh.gov>; Wimsatt, Mike <michael....@des.nh.gov>; Mike Wimsatt <michael...@des.nh.gov>; savefor...@yahoo.com <savefor...@yahoo.com>; ~House Environment and Agriculture Committee <houseenvironmentand...@leg.state.nh.us>; Kevin Avard <kevin...@leg.state.nh.us>; ~Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee <senateenergyand...@leg.state.nh.us>; Crepeau, Adam <adam.j....@nh.gov>; Jeb Bradley <jeb.b...@leg.state.nh.us>; Sherman Packard <sherman...@leg.state.nh.us>
Dear Commissioner Scott and Director Wimsatt,
As Chair of the House Environment and Agriculture Committee, I have been receiving correspondence regarding dangerous PFAS compounds reportedly leaking into the Ammonoosuc River from the NCES landfill (as stated in the email below). I would like to know what immediate steps your department is taking to verify and deal with what appears to be an environmental crisis unfolding in the Ammonoosuc River.
This is of urgent matter and must be dealt with immediately as it not only constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act, but it threatens the health and well being of everyone living in that area!
Please reply to me and my committee. as well as to my Senate counterparts, as to what actions you as state regulators tasked with monitoring this kind of contaminant pollution, are pursuing regarding this contaminant runoff and/or leachate from the NCES landfill, and if there is anything legislatively that needs to be done immediately to support your work to contain and eliminate this and further contamination.
I await your prompt reply as I am very concerned about this matter.
Thank you,
Judy Aron
NH State Representative
Sullivan County District 4
(From Jon Swan)
Good Morning Ms. LeClair et al.,
Considering that I have not heard anything from EPA regarding my concerns that the NCES Landfill is failing to contain harmful contaminants from being released upgradient of and into the surrounding watershed of the Ammonoosuc River, I conducted my own "water sampling" of the water emerging from the "Main Seep" via the surface water channel, discharging directly into the Ammonoosuc River.
My sample was taken directly from the water cascading off of the NCES property via the seep drainage channel on Friday morning, October 20, 2023. The surface water was flowing strongly off the property's edge, in such a way that it allowed me to collect my sample without trespassing on NCES property. My access into the Ammonoosuc River was granted by a property owner on the other side of the river, and my sampling was witnessed by that property owner. I was up to my waist and armpits in the Ammonoosuc River the entire time, and it was cold!
I have attached the lab report, which I just received last Thursday, November 9, 2023. I did not test for any other contaminants, like 1,4-Dioxane, solely PFAS.
On pages 2-3 of the report, you can read that there were 3 detections of PFAS contaminants being released directly into the Ammonoosuc River:
Perfluorobutanesulfonic Acid (PFBS) 4.35 ng/L
Perfluorohexanoic Acid (PFHxA) 4.73 ng/L
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) 2.39 ng/L
Page 10 also shows a result of 1.37 ng/L for Perfluoroheptanoic Acid (PFHpA), a “J” qualifier, thus below the reporting limit but apparently above the laboratory method detection limit (MDL).
I would note that these 4 PFAS compounds are the same top 4 found PFAS compounds consistently detected in NCES leachate lab reports, from 2018-2023, obtained from NHDES and the City of Concord WWTPs. Basically, the contaminants detected entering the Ammonoosuc River at the Seep drainage channel match the PFAS profile of NCES Landfill leachate. The same can be said for the numerous detections and exceedances of PFAS contaminants at the upgradient B-304 and B-928 wells.
It would seem to me that this release of contaminants directly into the Ammonoosuc River is a violation of the Clean Water Act.
I must admit, it is disturbing to think that a concerned citizen has been forced into this action, because both state and federal regulators have failed to do so.
I do hope the EPA and the Town of Bethlehem will take this latest revelation seriously. I can only imagine the volume of contaminants being released into the Ammonoosuc River, via the drainage channel surface water discharge. It has become quite clear to me that the relationship between SHA/Casella and NHDES officials has become compromised. An investigation into what is occurring at the NCES Landfill is warranted, and I believe this lab report provides concrete evidence in support of my prior charges that the landfill is failing.
All of this, of course, is my opinion, based on my research and experience. Thank you!
Feed Your Brain
-(from Marybeth Raven)
Hey NH Network energy folks,
I just want to point out this NYT article about how Coal particulates are worse for human health than previously thought.
This is an opportunity for us to mention this sad fact in the upcoming DEC "Listening sessions" about the NH Climate action plan. NH has the last large coal burning facility in New England -- in Bow, NH. When this this is running, it provides electricity to the ISO network in general -- so the electricity is most likely going to Boston, or other populated areas -- yet the residents of NH -- particularly Bow-- suffer the health consequences.
-Bow coal plant fails “stack test”
-There is a lot here, but choose a webinar to attend.
The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) and White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) will host a meeting, each, in early December. The meetings are free and open to all members of the public. Individual registration for the events is REQUIRED. The meetings require registration for participants to submit comments orally or written.
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) – REGISTER HERE!
NEJAC will convene a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 10:00 AM to 7:30 PM ET. The meeting discussions will focus on several topics including, but not limited to, updates on NEJAC recommendations related to air quality and community monitoring, PFAS, finance and investments and responses to community concerns brought forward in Puerto Rico.
Public Comment Period: Those who wish to participate during the public comment period must register by 11:59 p.m. ET, November 28, 2023. Written comments can be submitted up to two weeks after the meeting closes on December 19, 2023.
Individuals or groups making remarks during the oral public comment period will be limited to three (3) minutes. Please be prepared to briefly share your comments; including your recommendations on what you want the NEJAC to advise EPA to do. Submitting written comments for the record are strongly encouraged.
The NEJAC is interested in receiving public comments relevant to the following charges:
Cumulative Impacts Framework Charge
Farmworker and Pesticides Charge
The public can submit written comments in three (3) different ways:
by using the webform: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/forms/national-environmental-justice-advisory-council-nejac-public-comment
by sending comments via email to ne...@epa.gov.
by creating comments in the Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OEJECR-2023-0101 at http://www.regulations.gov, when it opens.
Questions: Please contact Paula Flores-Gregg at ne...@epa.gov or by phone 214-665-8123.
Learn more about NEJAC: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/national-environmental-justice-advisory-council
White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) – REGISTER HERE!
WHEJAC will convene a virtual public meeting Wednesday, December 6, 2023 2:00 - 7:45 PM ET.
Public Comment Period: Those who wish to participate during the public comment period must register by 11:59 PM ET, November 29, 2023. Written comments can be submitted through December 20, 2023.
The WHEJAC is interested in receiving public comments relevant to current charges, topics, and questions currently under consideration:
The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
The Environmental Justice Scorecard
Carbon Management
Ways that the WHEJAC could recommend advancing environmental justice through a whole-government approach.
Examples of environmental hazards of particular concern for Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations related to Federal activities that may affect sacred sites and areas of cultural significance, cultural or other traditions or practices, subsistence, and ways of life.
Ways in which the Federal government can address community impacts, and concerns of Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations.
Ways in which the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge into Federal decision-making could help address environmental hazards and environmental justice concerns.
More information on each charge: https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council under WHEJAC Membership and Workgroups.
The public can submit written comments in 3 different ways:
By entering comments in the Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OEJECR-2023-0099 at https://www.regulations.gov/
By using the webform at https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/forms/white-house-environmental-justice-advisory-council-whejac-public-comment
By sending comments via email to whe...@epa.gov, for comments with additional materials.
November 20, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Perhaps the most important action item available to the Network. Last Thursday Kent Street Coalition offered a two hour webinar on “Untipping the Judiciary.” It included national wide organizations Demand Justice and the American Constitution Society as well as remarks from Andru Volinsky and Cinde Warmington. Their message: Power lays with the federal judges, and they increasing decide elections and the most important cultural issues.
According to the webinar, Donald Trump appointed nearly one quarter of all federal judges, and Biden has done a decent job, but there are many remaining openings. In the last months he has sent only a handful to the Senate which appoints federal judges. The House is not involved. Action is simple. Contact Senators Shaneen and Hassan, and contact them to push forward on as many nominations within the next year.
AND, the next NH governor will select two supreme court judges in 2026
From the newly formed Energy WG
Please fill out this Energy Working Group Members Survey.
The survey will give us a sense of who's currently in the newly formed NH Network Energy Working Group and what members would like to focus our monthly meetings on.
Please respond to the survey by by Monday December 4th so we can share the results at the December 7th 4:00 - 5:00 meeting:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87570493142?pwd=sEOVZHyM6ZIVYXPcaHsaOAfS0Rnbia.1 Meeting ID: 875 7049 3142 Passcode: 425473
Meetings and Events
Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan…seeking public input for obtaining federal grants to reduce greenhouse effects
Plastics WG 12/3
Energy WG 12/7
ISO NE Boston meeting 12/06
Climate WG 12/6
Clean Energy NH 2024 Legislative Overview 12/20
Take Action
Regional news letter: a model for the future?
Attend NH Department of Energy listening sessions on Climate Action plans and potential
Take action before 11/27 on contacting the PUC re: net metering pricing.
North Country donation request
Feed Your Brain
Plastics WG minutes
Video recording of Networks 11/13 on the “Military and the Challenge of Climate Change.”
Update on Casella’s garbage landslide in NY.
Jon Swan’s update on chemicals in the Ammonoosuc River
Meetings and Events
November 30, January 30 and February 8 - Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
There are a series of community and public comments and sharing committees to enable NH to participate in a 4.6 billion dollar grant to reduce greenhouse emissions. The grant specifically asks for local input.
Three cross-sector shareholder gatherings where people working on greenhouse gas and air pollution reduction efforts, advocates, non-profits, regional and city/town planners, association leaders, etc. can talk together about priorities and projects that are essential elements of New Hampshire's PCAP (due March 1, 2024)
December 6, January 9 and January 24 Department of Energy: Climate Action Plan
Three community conversations: Between December 2023 and early February 2024, a series of community conversations will offer time for people to learn, listen, and talk with each other to help develop a priority climate action plan focused on air pollution reductions in New Hampshire. These conversations are focused on talking about local issues and potential solutions.
Important details on engagement, action goals and input are available at:
Sunday, December 3 at 6 PM — Plastics Working Group meeting.
Meeting ID 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Wednesday, December 6 at 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST (Virtual option starts at 12:30 PM.)
Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Customer Liaison Group meeting on operation of the NE grid.
WHERE: Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02116. Validated parking onsite. In-person registration is limited to 125 people and closes on Wed, Nov 29 at noon.
IN-PERSON registration is linked here.
VIRTUAL registration is linked here.
Wednesday, December 6th at 7 PM - Climate Working Group
Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099 9831200408# 1632#
Thursday, December 7 at 4 PM — Energy Working Group
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87570493142?pwd=sEOVZHyM6ZIVYXPcaHsaOAfS0Rnbia.1 Meeting ID: 875 7049 3142 Passcode: 425473
Wednesday, December 20th at 2 PM — Clean Energy NH
Here's a link to a December 20th Clean Energy NH Preview of the 2024 Legislative Season. Energy committee members might consider asking their towns to join CENH as municipal members for $250 a year. I got our Select Board to join CENH this year and we have put this cost into our budget request for next year. This is a very good way to access CENH insights on legislation and other energy policy in New Hampshire. (And you get two tickets to the Local Energy Solutions conference, worth $200!)
Take Action
Join one of the Department of Energy public sessions to make federal funds available for limiting greenhouse emissions. (Details offered above.)
The NH Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will be considering setting a new Net Metering rate for NH residents, business, and local governments. The decision will be issued next May, June, or July. It's a way off. However, the DOE has to develop and submit a position on what that should be by December 1.
Likely, this will be a contentious issue when the case formally begins at the PUC. The DOE/State of NH's position could be a large influence on final order. As you likely know, the Governor has been skeptical of small scale solar throughout his political career. He has shown a willingness to support it on occasion.
Ideally, letters would get to the Governor and/or DOE by Nov 27. In terms of content,
The letters do NOT need to be perfect. It would be better to get more contacts from local governments, energy committees, or businesses than a few immaculate arguments.
Economic arguments (this is good for our taxpayers) may be more influential than environmental arguments (fortunately what's good for the economy/taxpayers is good for GHG emissions.
Ideally individualized copies would be sent to both DOE and Gov.
DOE Commissioner: Jared Chicoine - jared.s.chicoine@energy.nh.gov
Governor: governorsununu@nh.gov
For DOE consider cc'd DOE staff (pick 1?)
DOE DIrector of Regulatory Support: Tom Frantz - Thomas.C.Frantz@energy.nh.gov
Renewable Energy Division: deandra.m.perruccio@energy.nh.gov
General: energy-info@energy.nh.gov
At a Third Act NH virtual event, Kendra Ford of 350NH / NoCoal No Gas encouraged turnout at the Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Customer Liaison Group meeting on December 6th in Boston, beginning at 12 PM. This meeting is open to consumers and others who are interested in the operation of the grid, via either a virtual or a live option. You need to register for the event and there is. (Sign up options are listed above.)
Feed Your Brain
Monadnock monthly newsletter - a model for the future?
The U.S. Armed Forces are tasked with military readiness, not with climate change. So why do they consider climate change a security risk? And what are they doing about it?
Watch the Nov 13 video recording at:
Plastics Working Groups minutes.
Update on pollution in the Ammonoosuc River from landfill runoff.
You'll be interested in what Jackie Augustine has to say about the recent landslide at the Casella-run Ontario County landfill. She's very sharp on political and enviro issues around Geneva, NY. She co-founded a website that allowed people to complain about landfill odors. It marks their location in real time. https://itstinks.org/
On the landslide -- this comes on the one-year anniversary of Casella's $500,000 fine for a host of violations at Ontario Landfill. As Jackie suggests. There's probably much more to this story.
Questions about the Casella disaster from Jon Swan
Maybe that press release was supposed to make it sound like this wasn't a huge issue, but this was a *huge* environmental disaster at the landfill. Maybe you think using the word "disaster" is alarmist or unwarranted, but I'm pretty sure it's spot on. It's not just that over three football fields of soil and trash crashed down like an avalanche on our trash mountain, like "oops...go ahead and put that anywhere," and it's not just that this raises serious concerns about the quality of engineering and environmental oversight that Casella and the county are doing when finishing what is supposed to be a "permanent" solution to a landfill cell. And it's not just that the immediate release of toxic fumes and methane into the air is of serious concern. It's more about the actual physics of the incident. The internal collection and piping structure was, by Casella's own admission, "damaged" and that means (since they are going to put the best possible spin on it) that it was actually *seriously compromised.* It's not just about replacing what was immediately exposed and damaged from the force of the sheering on that side is going to stress the whole system. How do we know that piping on the other side didn't suffer damage from unexpected pressure changes or angular shifts or just physical stress of being connected to a system yanked down the mountain?
How do we trust that the remaining system is reliable and not compromised? And of course, most importantly, at what point in the process is Casella adding the detection odor to the methane transport system? Methane is odorless, but industries have to add odor to it to detect leaks (just like NYSEG does). So is that happening within the landfill collection system itself? Or is it possible that the intense smells people reported Monday night and into Tuesday were for general toxics being released but the magnitude of methane release was even higher?
Who is monitoring air quality downwind? What is the proper radius for notifying households individually and monitoring for adverse health impacts? Where is the list of other landfill gases previously detected and monitored on site that are now potentially released in great magnitude into the atmosphere? Casella isn't going to want to tell you any of this but they are absolutely collecting the data because they are going to sue their contractor (do a quick google search of other landfills that had failed caps and sued their engineering contractors) but they know they could be subject to a suit as well. They are in damage control mode for their business and we need to be in damage control mode for our residents.
At the end of the day, Ontario County has more trash that it can handle, and more trash that Casella can handle. This was not a current deposit zone. This was supposed to represent what *stable*, *long term operations*, what *closure* represents. Their focus and investment is not in getting those things right because the money is in continued operation in current and expanded cells. And who suffers when things go wrong? The unsuspecting residents who have the bad fortune of living in a place where elected officials privilege dollar signs over health and would rather risk long term significant environmental damage and disaster than to shut this operation down.
We need to normalize calling this what it is--an environmental disaster. It's not just an "incident" like someone's gas tank was leaking on the roadway. It was a significant systems failure that caused a major release of toxins and compromised existing safety and operations infrastructure.
The County's press release essentially said "this facility that is really not owned by Casella had an incident caused by a third party contractor that Casella and the DEC are going to figure out, and nothing to see here."
If 3.5 acres of lakefront park fell into the water, we wouldn't call that an "incident"...and that's flat land, not even cubic tons of off-gassing, harmful, toxic waste.
There are so many questions that need immediate, thorough, and direct answers. And until we are convinced that every possible protection measure is being taken and that every health and environmental impact from this disaster is addressed and resolved, we cannot rest.
November 12, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Perhaps the most important action item available to the Network. Last Thursday Kent Street Coalition offered a two hour webinar on “Untipping the Judiciary.” It included national wide organizations Demand Justice and the American Constitution Society as well as remarks from Andru Volinsky and Cinde Warmington. Their message: Power lays with the federal judges, and they increasing decide elections and the most important cultural issues.
According to the webinar, Donald Trump appointed nearly one quarter of all federal judges, and Biden has done a decent job, but there are many remaining openings. In the last months he has sent only a handful to the Senate which appoints federal judges. The House is not involved. Action is simple. Contact Senators Shaneen and Hassan, and contact them to push forward on as many nominations within the next year.
AND, the next NH governor will select two supreme court judges in 2026
STEERING Committee minutes: Steering Cmte Nov 8, 7 pm
The “overview summary” will appear in your email while the body of the summary will be on the website. Here is the link and scroll down to the most current summary.
Plastics WG Sunday, November 12 6 pm
NH Network monthly meeting Monday, November 13 5 30 pm
Tuesday, November 14 Concord Community Power information session
Wednesday, November 16 Durham Public Library Dr. Dewey speaker
Lebanon Film Series Thursday, November 16 6 pm 8 Billion Angels
Energy Working Group Update
Bill Mckibben: Stop expansion of LPG exports
Climate Citizen Lobby: Grid and Tax and Dividend legislation
SB 267 a bi-partisen bill Act before November 14th
Contact PUC re: NH Saves before November 19th
Feed Your Brain:
Department of Energy funding opportunities
Casella Applies for new landfill permit
Sunday, November 12, 6 pm Plastics WG
We will be joined by Nora Bosworth, Staff Attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation, who will begin guiding us on legislative strategy.
We will also review the 2023-24 Action Steps. If you cannot attend, we would love to know what actions you’re taking - feel free to add any updates to share with the group in the agenda/notes (link above).
Sunday, November 12, 6 pm
ZOOM Link:
ID: 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Monday, November 13 5:30- 7pm NH Network Monthly meeting
Learn why the U.S. Military considers climate change a serious security concern.
From its far-flung bases to its key supply lines and its significant energy consumption, the armed services must make sober and realistic assessments of climate risks.
How are they preparing for these challenges?
REGISTER NOW at https://bit.ly/Military_Climate
Tuesday, November 14 6pm
Concord Community Power forum
City Wide Community Center, Canterbury Road
Wednesday, November 15
In-person, live at Durham Public Library, a presentation from our partners at NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action:
Dr. Robert Dewey is a retired cardiologist from CMC in Manchester, and a Co-Chair of the Speakers' Bureau at NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action. Part of their mission is to educate other healthcare workers and the public about the very serious health effects of climate change, hoping that as people learn about this they will be more willing to advocate for climate solutions. Please take a look at their website: nhclimatehealth.org
Thursday, November 16 6:00 PM
Lebanon film and speaker series Kilton Library Community Room
Are There Too Many Of Us For Planet Earth?
Today, humanity’s demand for resources is vastly outpacing nature’s ability to supply them. Food, water, climate and extinction emergencies are unfolding before our eyes. 8 BILLION ANGELS tells the truth about the conflict between our human numbers and the sustainability of our planet.
The agenda is here - please email chea...@gmail.com with any additions.
Take Action
The Energy Working Group has kicked off,
and there is a small group who will herd cats for the first six months as we decide how we want to focus our energies. We are likely to be meeting once a month on a Thursday at 4:00 - which Thursday TBD. If people want to add their name to the Energy Working Group list serve, they can email Susan Richman (susan7richman@gmail.com). The majority of people joining the first two calls have been members of local Energy Committees/Commissions, and others included elected officials and representatives of non-profit organizations. The two main areas of focus are 1) exchanging practical information about local energy initiatives and 2) engaging on legislation and policy of interest. The first substantive information exchange has been on examples of RFPs for municipal solar projects.
The Energy Working Group portion of the NH Network website is https://www.newhampshirenetwork.org/working-groups/energy, which has meeting minutes and will eventually become a repository of this kind of useful information.
NH Network Energy WG’s google group is https://groups.google.com/g/nh-network-energy-working-group. Members can send emails to nh-network-energy-working-group@googlegroups.com
From Bill McKibben Stop Expansion of LNG Exports
As this hottest year in human history winds towards its close, I’m writing to ask for your help with what may be the single biggest climate fight left on planet Earth. And it’s right here at home.
The US is planning to quadruple the export of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from the Gulf of Mexico over the next few years—there are plans for 20 huge export terminals to add to the seven that already exist. If they are built, the emissions associated with them will be as large as all the emissions from every home, factory, and car in the EU. The emissions associated with them will wipe out every bit of progress the U.S. has made on reducing carbon and methane since 2005.
Citizens Climate Lobby: Big Wires Act and Carbon Fee and Dividend
Support grid resilience, the next step forward for permitting reform (call Congress about the BIG WIRES Act): citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/big-wires
Support Carbon Fee and Dividend (email your Representative to co-sponsor the Energy Innovation Act): citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/energy-innovation-act
Before Nov 14, email/call NH House Finance Committee- Support SB267
This bill was authored by Sen. Avard, enjoyed bipartisan support, and DES endorsement last spring, but party-line votes cut it off. This bill is a wise use of funds for necessary DES efforts to avoid combined impacts from pollution, called "Cumulative Impacts Analysis" (CIA)
CIA is already adopted in other states, and will help DES to better protect people while industries can better plan permit applications, a costly process.
It will fund a DES staff person to examine DES permitting and find ways to avoid multiple impacts on a community; impacts that would otherwise harm health and economic vigor.
Use the link below to email/call the 22 member committee. (10 Rep, 12 Dem)
The New Hampshire House of Representatives (state.nh.us)
Any questions, please email or call me, Cynthia Walter, Ph.D
NH Saves and the PUC Please write a letter to the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) ASAP -- but no later than November 19.
To help write your letter, below is information from Cathy Corkery of the NH chapter of Sierra Club, and STE member Representative Rebecca McWilliams. (With the current administration, NH McWilliams: PUC seems opposed to energy efficiency methods (calling it "downshifting of costs," even though a study on the matter determined cost to ratepayers is just pennies each month)
This would overturn legal precedent, settled law of over 20 years.
Sierra Club
NH Saves has over 20 successful years of saving hundreds of millions of dollars in lowering energy bills for residential, commercial, and industrial customers.
The plan up for consideration, 2024-2026, is a continuation of this successful programing in NH that
Effectively adds $2.27 in benefits for every dollar spent;
Supports 1,718 local jobs year round in the state;
Local investments build local economy - unlike fossil fuels that come from outside of the state;
Local government investments lower energy demands in public buildings thus lowering demand on property taxes;
Lower energy demand means less unhealthy pollution - avoidance of 17 tons of SO2 emissions and 175 tons of NOX emissions, both serious and dangerous air pollutants, and 2 Million Tons of CO2.
Submit supportive comments to the NH Public Utility Commission before November 20
NH Saves Comments To: clerks...@puc.nh.gov Subject: Public Comment in Docket 23-068 Dear PUC Clerk, I am writing in support of the NH Saves program in Docket 23-068. Then add your story.
(If you're shy about writing, Sierra Club suggests these prompts: I am/We are... I/We value... But right now... ACTION REQUESTED...)
ENDORSEMENT OF THE PROGRAM by our 4 utility companies!!):
As you may recall the PUC dealt a traumatic blow to the NHSaves efficiency programs in the fall of 2021. This led to the total shutdown of the NH efficiency programs, upending residential, commercial, municipal, and industrial projects while also disrupting the work and incomes of many efficiency companies and their employees. The economic impact was likely very high and the NHSaves programs and the energy-efficiency workforce are still recovering. Another bad PUC order will be even more devastating.
Over the past year, the Chair of the PUC has shown considerable skepticism concerning the value of energy efficiency, and even with two recent bills passed by the legislature to clarify how the EE programs should be valued, there is deep concern that the PUC will issue another harmful order.
In talking with stakeholders, concerns have been raised about how DOE plans to support the NHSaves program at the PUC. At this time, as the utilities continue to restore programs and rebuild faith among their contractors it is imperative that the plan be approved. DOE's strong support will be instrumental in preventing the PUC from making a bad decision.
Feed Your Brain
Funding Notice: DOE Seeks Lead Organizations for Equitable Solar Communities of Practice
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office, under a Partnership Intermediary Agreement with ENERGYWERX, created the Equitable Solar Communities of Practice program to support the equitable distribution of the benefits of solar.
This opportunity closes on December 8, 2023, at 5 p.m. ET. For more information on this program and to apply, visit the ENERGYWERX Equitable Solar Communities of Practice webpage.
DOE Issues Notice of Intent to Fund Research for Waste-to-Energy Community Solutions that Advance the U.S. Bioeconomy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) and Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) announced their intent to issue a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to support the development of community planning and strategies for converting organic waste into feedstock for various clean transportation fuel products. The WASTE: Waste Analysis and Strategies for Transportation End-uses funding opportunity would help local communities develop cost-effective approaches to sustainably manage their waste stream infrastructures. It would also help municipalities and local transportation authorities meet local demand for energy that can be derived from these waste streams.
Casella Submits New Landfill Application
November 5 , 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
Wednesday, November 8th 7 pm NH Network Steering Committee, NH Network
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 9148 1728
Passcode: 846696
Thursday, November 9th 8:30 to 4 pm NH Energy Symposium
Grappone Conference Center
As we look towards the future, energy infrastructure and sources in New Hampshire will require development and modernization to lower costs and meet the demands of tomorrow with increased electrification on the horizon.
This year's symposium has expert panelists lined up for the following topics:
Online registration closes at noon on Wednesday, November 8. Walk-ins will be allowed based on availability but there is a $25 surcharge and payment is due at the door.
Sunday, November 12, 6 pm Plastics WG
ZOOM Link:
ID: 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
Monday, November 13 5:30- 7pm NH Network Monthly meeting
Learn why the U.S. Military considers climate change a serious security concern.
From its far-flung bases to its key supply lines and its significant energy consumption, the armed services must make sober and realistic assessments of climate risks.
How are they preparing for these challenges?
REGISTER NOW at https://bit.ly/Military_Climate
Thursday, November 16 6:00 PM Lebanon film and speaker series
Kilton Library Community Room
Are There Too Many Of Us For Planet Earth?
Today, humanity’s demand for resources is vastly outpacing nature’s ability to supply them. Food, water, climate and extinction emergencies are unfolding before our eyes. 8 BILLION ANGELS tells the truth about the conflict between our human numbers and the sustainability of our planet.
8 BILLION ANGELS takes us on an immersive and emotional journey into the lives of farmers, fishermen and others as they confront the economic, social and health effects of unsustainable population growth.
8 BILLION ANGELS offers solutions to our environmental crises that are practical, high-impact, and scientifically proven to heal the planet and ensure a better quality of life for all Earth's inhabitants.
Take Action
Citizens Climate Lobby: Big Wires Act and Carbon Fee and Dividend
Support grid resilience, the next step forward for permitting reform (call Congress about the BIG WIRES Act): citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/big-wires
Support Carbon Fee and Dividend (email your Representative to co-sponsor the Energy Innovation Act): citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/energy-innovation-act
From a Network member:
It would be nice if someone from the NH Network went to the NH Energy Symposium on Thur, Nov 9, 8:30 AM-4 PM, so we'd get an idea of how the BIA is leaning these days. Cost is $150 for non-members/$125 for members. Deadline to sign up is Wed noon. I see Sam Evans-Brown and Don Kreis are on the agenda. It would be nice to know how the BIA, Michael Vose and Marc Brown, etc. are viewing "sustainability" these days.
Feed Your Brain
Please do not hesitate to reach out if Senator Shaheen can be helpful to you and your community or organization.
Senator Shaheen Updates:
Senator Shaheen recently became Chair of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Senator Shaheen’s first hearing will be tomorrow, Wednesday, November 1 at 2:30 on the topic of “The Great Outdoors: Small Businesses and America’s Outdoor Recreation Economy.” New Hampshire Small Business Owner, Andrew Drummond of Ski the Whites will be one of the witnesses for the hearing. The hearing will be livestreamed on the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee website.
NH Municipal Association and Senator Shaheen’s office held a webinar about Elective Pay, a provision of Inflation Reduction Act. Elective pay allows applicable entities, including tax-exempt and governmental entities that would otherwise be unable to claim certain credits because they do not owe federal income tax, to benefit from some clean energy tax credits. By choosing this election, the amount of the credit is treated as a payment of tax and any overpayment will result in a refund. You can re-watch the webinar and access further resources about elective pay here.
New Hampshire Congressional Delegation Applauds Twin States Clean Energy Link’s Selection to be Part of $1.3 Billion U.S. Department of Energy Program.
Senator Shaheen celebrated the towns of Exeter, Peterborough and Harrisville that were among only 12 projects nationwide selected for $900,000 through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. Senator Shaheen was in Exeter to discuss their project which will partner with NHSaves and Weatherization programs in the state to bring energy efficient upgrades to over 100 manufactured homes.
Clean Energy NH was awarded $500,000 through USDA RD, Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Technical Assistance funding that was expanded through the Inflation Reduction Act.
U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a senior member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), announced with the NH delegation that $27.6 million in LIHEAP funds are being awarded to New Hampshire to assist Granite State families ahead of the winter season with fuel assistance. Granite Staters can apply for heating assistance through their local Community Action Partnership office. Please visit CAPNH.org to find an office near you.
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced an investment of nearly $3.4 Million in New Technologies for Ag Extension at the University of New Hampshire.
New Hampshire will receive a Department of Energy (DOE) award totaling $6,619,797 to help modernize the state’s power grid. The funding will be used to invest in disadvantaged communities, bolster grid resilience for extreme weather and other disruptive events and provide additional workforce development and training opportunities. New Hampshire will hold a competitive selection process to identify projects in need of this funding. These grants were funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Susan Collins announced their bipartisan resolution to designate October 4, 2023, as “Energy Efficiency Day” passed the Senate unanimously. The resolution celebrates and promotes the economic and environmental benefits gained from investing in energy efficiency.
Below are a couple of grants and programs that were announced last month. Please reach out if Senator Shaheen can be helpful in identifying grants or writing a letter of support for a federal grant.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $235 million in grants to assess and clean up polluted brownfield sites across the country. The new grants through EPA’s Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup (MAC) program will advance environmental justice and help transform what were once polluted, vacant, and abandoned properties into community assets while spurring economic revitalization in underserved communities.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service is making nearly $50 million in grant funding available for proposals that support crucial links between resilient, healthy forests, strong rural economies and jobs in the forestry sector. The open funding opportunity comes through the Forest Service’s three key grant programs to support the forest products economy: Wood Innovations Grant, Community Wood Grant, and Wood Products Infrastructure Assistance Grant Programs. The agency is seeking proposals that support innovative uses of wood in the construction of low carbon buildings, as a renewable energy source, and in manufacturing and processing products. These programs also provide direct support to expand and retrofit wood energy systems and wood products manufacturing facilities nationwide.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the availability of up to $36 million through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda for fish passage projects across the nation that address outdated, unsafe or obsolete dams, culverts, levees and other barriers fragmenting our nation’s rivers and streams.
FEMA is making $1.8 billion available for two grant programs designed to help communities increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change, including increasingly frequent and extreme weather events. The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) annual grant program is making $1 billion available for projects that protect people and infrastructure from natural hazards and the effects of climate change. The Flood Mitigation Assistance program is making $800 million available for projects that mitigate flood risks facing homes and communities across the nation.
A report on Chemical Cycling: What It Does and Does Not Do
…But a new report from the nonprofits Beyond Plastics and the International Pollutants Elimination Network, or IPEN, says chemical recycling is a “dangerous deception” that will only exacerbate pollution and environmental injustice while failing to address the plastics crisis.
“The landscape of chemical recycling is littered with pollution and failure,” and relying on it is an “unreliable and polluting approach” to resolve the global plastics crisis, Jennifer Congdon, Beyond Plastics’ deputy director, told journalists at a press conference on Tuesday. She and the report co-authors called on President Joe Biden to place a national moratorium on new chemical recycling operations in the U.S. and urged international negotiators to disavow the process as part of the global plastics treaty that will be discussed during a third round of negotiations in Nairobi later this month.
Read More: https://gizmodo.com/a-report-calls-chemical-recycling-a-dangerous-deceptio-1850989026
Advocates fear N.H. clean energy proposal would pit nuclear against solar, wind
If not designed carefully, critics say a clean energy standard that includes nuclear power could undercut the market for renewable energy credits.
Climate and clean energy advocates in New Hampshire say a pending proposal to define nuclear power as clean energy could undercut solar and wind power in the state.
Though the details are still in the works, state Rep. Michael Vose, chair of the legislature’s science, technology, and energy committee, is drafting a bill that would allow nuclear power generators, such as New Hampshire’s Seabrook Station, to receive payments for contributing clean energy to the grid.
October 30, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
What’s Happening at the NH Network!
Our Calendar with NH Network’s and Partners’ Events
Table of Contents
- Meetings
Climate Citizens WG 11/1, Local Energy Solutions Annual Conference 11/2, Energy WG 11/3, NH Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Conference 11/04, Citizens Climate Fall Conference 11/04, Sierra Club 11/9, Plastics WG 11/12, NH Network Monthly Webinar - Climate and Military Security 11/13
- Take Action
Support the initiative to educate your local representative on climate science - intervention needed!
Support limiting waste on political signage for the 2024 elections
- Feed Your Brain
Future Crunch Weekly Update: GLOBAL GOOD NEWS
NH Network Steering Committee minutes
Plastic Working Group minutes
Wednesday, November 1 — 7:00 pm Climate Working Group
https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/my/cclnhrizoom?pwd=MTRoSmtMQ3J3bksyc0xwVk9sbEJMdz0 -
Thursday, November 2 — 8 am to 4 pm 2023 Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference
The annual Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference is New Hampshire's premier event for local energy champions, policymakers, municipal officials, town staff, regulators, and industry representatives.
Organized by Clean Energy NH, the Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference is the state's premier energy conference and the only event of its kind that brings together the clean energy community in New Hampshire. Collectively we learn about the latest topics, listen to experts discuss innovative ideas and best practices, and experience new technologies first-hand. The LES Conference offers best of the best networking opportunities with industry partners, state policy professionals, non-profits, and municipal leaders.
Friday, November 3, 2023 — 2:30 PM Energy Working Group Meeting #2
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 5313 7271
Passcode: 729616
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcf85L6UYD
Saturday, November 4 NH Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Conference
Saturday, November 4 CCL's Fall Virtual Conference, Grassroots Rising: Leveling Up in the Climate Fight -
November 9 Sierra Club monthly meeting
Sunday, November 12 — 6 pm Plastics Working Group
ZOOM Link:
ID: 627 560 9302
One tap mobile
+13092053325, 6275609302# US
We will be joined by Nora Bosworth, Staff Attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation, who will begin guiding us on legislative strategy.
Monday, November 13 — 5:30- 7pm NH Network Monthly meeting
Learn why the U.S. Military considers climate change a serious security concern.
From its far-flung bases to its key supply lines and its significant energy consumption, the armed services
must make sober and realistic assessments of climate risks.
How are they preparing for these challenges?
REGISTER NOW at https://bit.ly/Military_Climate
Take Action
From John Gage:
Thank you for the kind feedback about my Climate Science Intervention article. I've been asked for details regarding what we can do about this together. Here are two ideas:
Contact your State Reps to tell them you read the article "NH House Needs a Climate Science Intervention" in the Concord Monitor, and you want them to contact the House Science, Technology, and Energy Committee Chairman, Rep. Michael Vose, to encourage him to hold an information-gathering hearing with the state's climate science and policy experts. State experts include our State's Climatologist (Dr. Mary Stampone of UNH, who participated in an NH Network event last year at https://www.newhampshirenetwork.org/events#h.nnhbimu0a69j), Dr. Cameron Wake of UNH, NH DES staff, and economists at UNH and Dartmouth (such as Dr. Charles Wheelan, who participated in an NH Network event last year starting at 44:15 at https://www.newhampshirenetwork.org/events#h.nnhbimu0a69j).
You can find your Reps' email addresses at https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/. Find them one by one in the "Select a Member" Roster list, or download the whole roster in a form you can load in a spreadsheet (e.g., Google Sheets will load the Microsoft 2003 version), sort by town, and you'll have easy access to all the phone numbers and email addresses.Join the November NH Network Climate Working Group meeting on Wednesday, November 1, at 7:00 pm on Zoom, to brainstorm more actions. A preliminary agenda and the connection information are here. We hope individuals and a representative from every NH Network member organization that works on climate change will attend and bring their topics to discuss. Email me if you want to add an item to the agenda.
And one final request: please register for the Citizens' Climate Lobby Fall Conference. This free, Zoom-based climate solutions conference on November 4 will bring you up to speed on climate legislative prospects in Congress, and you'll hear experts advising how citizens can have maximum impact. In addition to all the good work you do individually and at the community and state levels, addressing climate pollution enough to hold warming below 1.5˚C requires much stronger federal policies that reach beyond our borders. CCL exists to help citizens contribute effectively to help make that happen. If you are new to CCL, I recommend starting with CCL's Informational Session at noon at the Conference Day. You can register at citizensclimatelobby.org/climate-change-conferences/fall/.
From Peggy Longley:
Important LOCAL initiative on limiting plastic use for political signage.
1. I would like to see political organizations investing in more recyclable the Poly(ethelene)-bag signs that stretch over a metal frame and are recyclable through Nex-trex deposit bins*
Vs Corrugated plastic type (sturdier, slightly more expensive BUT have to go in landfill. Someone sugged NH ) but let's choose the more sustainable sign! Let's see how it goes!
Of course both signs come with metal frames/supports which can be reused or recycled.
2. Most all signage companies offer both types of signs so there should be no problem finding the Ply-bags. It is the same material as the plastic mailers we receive through the mail.
3. Retailers** in NH that have Nex Trex bins for 'film' (poly-bag) plastic. Signs can just be rolled up and placed in bins after campaign & election season:
DeMoulas Market Basket
Whole Foods
Ocean State Job Lot
and Town of Littleton and many, many other towns.
4. Mission and Goal:
I will contact the Dem Party Headquarters this week to obtain county headquarter (includ. Republican) contact info.
I will create a link to a poster that would have everything a party headquarters forward to their candidates.
I will let NH Network & PWG members who are interested, know how they can help by sending this email with link out to candidates in their county. It will have all information to help candidates make a choice for recyclability for their political lawn signs and banners...AND where the plastic can be taken to be recycled after use (above list).
Time frame to be established.
This might be more info than you're looking for. Please know if I can help further.
Feed Your Brain
NH Network Steering Committee meeting notes:
Plastics WG meeting notes:
The EU is fighting microplastics pollution with a ban on products that have microplastics added to them, including cosmetics, detergents, glitter, fertilisers, toys, and artificial sports surfaces. An estimated 42,000 tons of microplastics are added to products sold in the EU every year. 'This is an opportunity for the European industry to be at the forefront of the development towards more sustainability and innovation.' DW
Between 2018 and 2022, Indonesia reduced its marine plastic waste from 615,675 tonnes to 408,885. This means the country’s position among the world’s largest contributors of plastic waste has fallen from second to fifth, a trend that looks set to continue as it aims for a further 70% reduction of marine debris by 2024. Antara News
October 22, 2023 - Update from Bruce Berk
What’s Happening at the NH Network
Our Calendar with NH Network’s and Partners’ Events
Initial meeting of the Energy WG Minutes ENERGY GROUP Oct 19, 2024
NH Network Climate WG NH Network Climate Working Group - Monthly Meeting Agenda /
Plastics WG Meeting Notes #52 - October 15, 2023
Inflation Reduction Act, NH Network Steering Committee, Dover Plastic Reduction Group webinar on EPR, Plastics WG, Climate WG. Local Energy Solutions Conference (LES), NH Food Alliance Cafe Series, North Country Food and Agricultural Summit
Take Action:
Submit testimony on the 2024-26 Triennial Energy Efficiency Plan
Submit testimony on the 10 year Transportation Bill.
Plastics WG Mesh Bag project
Submit testimony on solid waste expansion
Feed Your Brain:
Forever Chemicals Are Eternal No More Thanks To Pollution Destroying…..
NH House Needs a Climate Science Intervention (John Gage)
NH Food Alliance Series
Great Green Wall - film opportunity in Portsmouth Public Library October 26
NY Times: In a Twist, Old Coal Plants can Deliver Renewable Energy
Access to Natural Gas Keeps Our Lights On (Michael Vose, Chair STE Committee)
NH Energy and Action Education program: school curriculum for clean energy
Monday, October 23 11 am
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Elective Pay Webinar. Those working with nonprofits, churches, schools, municipalities and others that are tax-exempt and wish to consider pursuing upcoming opportunities to reduce energy efficiency, electrification or renewable energy project costs may wish to attend this webinar, and how it may be helpful to your town or non-profit
Monday, Oct 23, 2023 05:00 PM NH NETWORK Steering Committee Meeting
MINUTES from Last Steering Committee available at:
Minutes, Steering Committee, 10/18/2023
Thursday, October 26 7 pm Dover Plastic Reduction Group.
Guest speaker Peter Blair, Policy and Advocacy Director at Just Zero, a national non-profit advancing community-centered Zero Waste solutions. Peter will present information on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), a policy approach that holds manufacturers responsible for the lifecycle of their products including handling the waste produced. Just Zero craft a model bill that we expect to be used as the foundation for a NH bill. On Monday of this week, the NH House EPR Study Committee voted to send forward proposed EPR legislation to be considered during the next legislative session, so this is a particularly timely topic. To obtain the zoom link, respond to Kristine’s Baber’s email https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGwHLjpVJtNfVdHLKRJwzclsnGV
Sunday, October 29 6 pm Plastics WG
(Also, stop by the Mesh Bag Mamas Produce Bag Launch on Saturday, October 21, Noon - 2 pm to cheer us on. Photos of Mesh Bag Mamas in action attached, along with educational with postcard insert. To start your own Mesh Bag Mamas project to help raise awareness about reusables contact chea...@gmail.com.)
Wednesday, November 1 at 7:00 pm Climate WG
https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/my/cclnhrizoom?pwd=MTRoSmtMQ3J3bksyc0xwVk9sbEJMdz0 -
NH Network Climate Working Group - Monthly Meeting Agenda / Minutes
Thursday, November 2 8 am to 4 pm 2023 Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference The annual Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference is New Hampshire's premier event for local energy champions, policymakers, municipal officials, town staff, regulators, and industry representatives.
Organized by Clean Energy NH, the Local Energy Solutions (LES) Conference is the state's premier energy conference and the only event of its kind that brings together the clean energy community in New Hampshire. Collectively we learn about the latest topics, listen to experts discuss innovative ideas and best practices, and experience new technologies first-hand. The LES Conference offers best of the best networking opportunities with industry partners, state policy professionals, non-profits, and municipal leaders.
November 3 noon to 1 pm The NH Food Alliance’s 2023-2024 Network Café Series
is exploring A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience, a four-volume report of foundational food system data commissioned and released by the New England State Food System Planners Partnership. The New England State Food System Planners Partnership is a collaboration among six state-level food system organizations and Food Solutions New England.
Register: https://www.nhfoodalliance.org/get-involved/network-cafe-series
November 8th 2nd Annual North Country Food and Agriculture Summit is now open!
Please register today. Registration is open until November 1st. Share this invitation with your networks, friends, and co-workers.
Take Action
Don Kreis, NH Consumer Advocate, expressed his strong support of continuing NH Saves. The PUC has hearings Oct 25 & 31 on the upcoming triennial energy efficiency plan for 2024, 2025, and 2026. and hearings that are coming before the PUC on Oct. 25 and 31.
Please write to p...@puc.nh.gov, mention docket DE 23-068 in the subject line, and ask the PUC to approve the 2024-2026 triennial energy efficiency plan. The PUC must decide by 11/30.
TALKING POINTS: businesses and households alike need to plan their budgets, and a 3-year horizon is especially needful for business, as they decide major energy expenditures.
When the last 3-year energy plan tottered, a swath of NH energy contractors lost business or went out of business.
Transportation - comments due Oct 26.
At the meeting I attended, it seemed clear that priorities are road upgrade and enlargement, bridge repair, and airports. Please write to urge development of PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS.
Your input wanted -- transportation in NH
Hearings are happening now for the Draft 2025-2034 Ten Year Transportation Plan.
The hearings began 9/7 but continue to 10/25. Here is the link to view the schedule:
Written input additionally accepted, through Nov 3, directed to William.e.watsonjr@dot.nh.gov
and there is a survey to fill out at https://metroquestsurvey.com/yn8w8t (The survey is tilted toward road construction & improvement – but there are open comment opportunities.)
there's a survey for the 10 year plan: https://live.metroquestsurvey.com/?u=yn8w8t#!/?p=web&pm=dynamic&s=1&popup=WTD
HOWEVER: The survey gives you a very narrow range of choices, mostly to do with road & bridge upgrade and road expansion. You have to creatively use the few open-ended spaces if you want to urge more public transportation, EV charging etc.
Sample letter:
To the Commissioner of NHDOT and the Executive Councilors,
The ten year plan for transportation in NH lacks the imagination and forward look that is required to address the challenges of efficiently moving people and goods in New Hampshire in the coming decade. While it focuses on improving our roads and bridges, the plan lacks investments in electric vehicle charging infrastructure and public transportation. We need our transportation plan to carry New Hampshire into a future where vehicles will be electrified and fast trains will carry people and goods around the state and connect with economic centers, especially to the south of us. People in NH have been asking for the commuter rail from Boston to extend to Nashua and Manchester for years. Now is the time to make it happen.
Every car manufacturer has recognized that electric transportation will replace gasoline vehicles over the next twenty years with benefits in lower emissions and reduced operating costs for state residents. In order to make that happen, it is the responsibility of public officials to establish policy and economic support to make more fast chargers available in the state through a public-private partnership with the electric industry. The State can lead the way by transitioning governmental vehicle fleets to significantly increase electric vehicle use.
Our transportation system is at a crossroads. I encourage you to look forward, not backwards and provide funding for public transportation and electrification infrastructure so that New Hampshire can continue to be the great place we all love even as the world spins unpredictably around us.
From Cindy Heath/Plastics WG
Notes from tonight here. This is an amazing group of activists. Thank you all for getting it done in your communities and statewide.
We welcome updates from members in the updates section of the notes. Feel free to drop a line about what actions you’re taking these days.
Great investigative reporting article on the nefarious practices of chemical recycling companies, Garbage In, Toxics Out (The Intercept 9.28.23)
Stop by the Mesh Bag Mamas Produce Bag Launch on Saturday, October 21, Noon - 2 pm to cheer us on. Photos of Mesh Bag Mamas in action attached, along with educational with postcard insert. To start your own Mesh Bag Mamas project to help raise awareness about reusables contact chea...@gmail.com.
From Jon Swan. He highlights these are his opinions and for his complete summary click on this email link. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGwHLkxFBZFPCzJFggKwNSKvgSG
Here is part of his email:
I just wanted to share some updates, and of course, documents. There is SO MUCH going on, but I will try to summarize and be as brief as possible. I apologize for the attachments, but hopefully they are of interest and are informative.
First off, I have been spending a lot of time in Concord at NHDES, as a result of a 91-A Right-To-Know request for files relative to the NCES Landfill and my research into the explanations offered by Casella/Sanborn Head/NHDES for the numerous detections of PFAS and other contaminants at the numerous groundwater monitoring wells that lie outside of the lined landfill, located within the watershed and upgradient of the Ammonoosuc River. I have had an op-ed relative to my findings printed in both the Concord Monitor and the Union Leader, attached, and linked below. I do hope the powers that be have read my op-ed, and subsequently, Dr. Adam Finkel's, as it is my firm belief that the landfill is failing. I continue to amass documentation that supports my conclusion that NCES is failing, primarily due to the Stage I and possibly Stage II liner systems. The construction reports and NHDES responses make for some revealing reading!
Jon Swan op-ed, with links:
Dr. Adam Finkel op-ed, with links:
If you have not yet, please, take a moment and reach out to our elected officials and ask them to intervene at NCES. It's time to stop feeding the source of the contaminants which are being released within the watershed of the Ammonoosuc River. Garbage going into the landfill leads to more leachate generation, which is not being contained within the landfill. It's time to close the NCES Landfill in Bethlehem and address the contamination which is being released within the watershed of the Ammonoosuc River.
Contact Senator Jeanne Shaheen: https://www.shaheen.senate.gov/contact/contact-jeanne
Contact Senator Maggie Hassan: https://www.hassan.senate.gov/contact/email
Contact Congresswoman Anne Kuster: https://kuster.house.gov/contact/
You can also send an email to the aides of Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, and Congresswoman Kuster:
Feed Your Brain
Forever Chemicals Are Eternal No More Thanks To Pollution Destroying…..
NH Food Alliance
Thank you to those who attended our October Network Café, part of our 2023-2024 Network Café Series on Friday, October 6. For those who missed our October Café, we were joined by Brian Donohue, of Brandeis University, the lead researcher for the team whose research became “Volume 1: Estimating Resilient Eating Patterns” of A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience. Brian shared what the team learned in analyzing dietary patterns across major food groups to understand the food that New Englanders currently consume and how that might change by 2030, followed by a discussion of the research’s implications for New Hampshire's food system.
What would it take for 30% of the food consumed in New England to be regionally produced by 2030? Join the NH Food Alliance network as we address this question during our 2023-2024 Network Café Series through A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience, a four-volume report of foundational food system data commissioned and released by the New England State Food System Planners Partnership. The report lays out an unprecedented compilation of the most current New England food systems data and frames the data intentionally to inspire conversation and action towards New England producing and consuming more of its own food.
During each Network Café, the lead researcher for each volume of A Regional Approach to Food System Resilience will join us to dig into the data. They will provide a short summary of the volume and answer questions, helping our network of partners utilize the report in strategic planning, fundraising, advocacy, and other work as we continue to build vibrant food systems in New Hampshire and New England.
The New England State Food System Planners Partnership is a collaboration among six state-level food system organizations and Food Solutions New England. Please note that our September Network Café will be held on the second Friday of the month to avoid the Labor Day holiday weekend. If you have questions about our 2023-2024 Network Café Series, reach out to our Communications Coordinator, Colleen Stewart, HERE
From John Gage NH Network Climate WG:
NH House Needs a Climate Science Intervention
When my daughter and I attended a hearing of the NH House Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs last year, I was astonished by the disinformation we heard in the testimony of two House Science, Technology, and Energy (STE) Committee members. In support of a House resolution that called for ignoring mainstream science and economics, they repeated long-disproven climate myths promoted by fossil fuel industry-funded front groups. My daughter had refuted the fallacies in a Concord Monitor article before the hearing (My Turn: NH Legislature attempts to remove our best climate solution). No citizens testified in support of the resolution, five testified in opposition to it, and it was overwhelmingly opposed in online testimony (149 to 4). Yet the committee took the two STE members' opinions over the public input and voted HR 17 ought to pass down party lines. The resolution later passed in a House floor vote with only Republican support.
It is the responsibility of STE Committee members to advise all House committees on scientific matters. To establish her credibility, one of the HR 17 co-sponsors noted that she had been an STE committee member for four legislative sessions. But her testimony led me to wonder – where did these crazy ideas come from? Climate science denial and the “free market fundamentalist” ideology have long been refuted by experts in science and economics. Global warming is happening, mainly due to fossil fuel pollution, and policy changes are required to address the market’s failure to account for the costs of that pollution in the price of fossil fuels. It should not be free to pollute. Experts recommend charging the fossil fuel industry a carbon polluters fee to reduce the pollution and giving the money collected to everyone equally to protect household purchasing power. Most families would get more money back than they would spend in trickle-down higher costs. This is the kind of solution HR 17 resolved NOT to do.
What do we tell our children – students who get top marks in science classes and are concerned about climate pollution – when House STE Committee members disregard mainstream science and our state’s own experts? Adding insult to injury, the other STE member called those who disagreed with his opinion “environmental crusaders” three times in his testimony – while my daughter and I waited to share what we knew about climate science from NASA, NOAA, and UNH, and climate policy from our state’s economic experts.
HR 17 was not a sensible, conservative resolution. It was a Koch-inspired statement designed to delay legislation to address Koch Industries' pollution.
Charles Koch accrued his wealth from fossil fuel businesses. The Koch Network is a group of billionaires who fund out-of-state polluter-friendly legislative initiatives via dozens of front groups, including DonorsTrust, Americans for Prosperity, Heartland Institute, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and the State Policy Network (of which the Josiah Bartlett Center is the New Hampshire node and the DonorsTrust “dark-money ATM” a heavy funder). These groups produce and promote disinformation about what we know through science, push polluting industries' policies, and delay energy efficiency, electrification, and clean energy progress across the country. They have power in the Concord State House, but they don’t represent New Hampshire businesses, citizens, or our children’s interests.
The Koch infiltration runs high and deep in New Hampshire. Governor Chris Sununu’s connection to the Josiah Bartlett Center goes back to his father, John Sununu, emeritus board member. His brother James is also on the board. One of the STE committee members who sponsored and testified for HR 17, NH House Republican Whip Jeanine Notter, has attended Heartland, ALEC, and similar groups’ conferences in California, Texas, and Florida on all-expenses-paid trips courtesy of Koch-funded front groups valued over $11,500 in the last five years. She distributes their pamphlets and pushes their polluter priorities in legislation. State Legislators’ mailboxes are periodically stuffed with Koch front-group propaganda pushing climate opinions not supported by any scientific organization.
When New Hampshire leaders are guided by out-of-state fossil fuel industry-funded groups rather than by Climate Assessment Reports from our state's official climatologist and information from the NH Department of Environmental Services (des.nh.gov/climate-and-sustainability/climate-change), New Hampshire citizens pay the consequences. Our state lags behind our neighbors in solar installations, EV adoption, charging station deployments, and energy efficiency. We suffered far more than our neighbors when gas, oil, and electricity prices shot up due to the recent Saudi market manipulation and boycott of Russian gas.
How can we demonstrate to our children that our democratic system works for us? We must help our state leaders break their blind allegiance to out-of-state fossil fuel industry interests. The NH House STE Committee leadership needs a climate science intervention.
The Chairman of the STE Committee, Representative Michael Vose of Epping, can not be pleased when two of his committee members promote climate science misinformation as representatives of his committee. He should invite state climate science and economic experts to an STE committee Q&A hearing to clear up their confusion. None of the Democrats on the STE committee suffer from those delusions. But until something changes, the STE Republican majority will continue leading the NH Legislature astray on climate and energy policy, misguided by ideology and out-of-state polluters’ interests.
The first step to addressing a problem is admitting you have one. There are beneficial bipartisan solutions such as Carbon Fee and Dividend, and our state should use them to prepare for major global policy and climate changes that are headed our way.
We wanted to make sure you were aware of our upcoming documentary film screening and community conversation, scheduled for next Tuesday, October 24th. WACNH will screen the film "The Great Green Wall", which follows the journey of Malian Musician, Inna Modja, as she travels the length of this ambitious continent-wide project to prevent the further desertification of the Sahel region. By creating a 9 mile wide living barrier, communities from Senegal to Djibouti are banding together to protect their lands and continue the fight against climate change.
After the film, the audience will break into facilitator lead conversations to further understanding of the themes of the film. These will be lead by community leaders from Education for All Children, Rain for the Sahel and Sahara, and the League of Conservation Voters.
Join us at 6:00 pm on October 24th at the Portsmouth Public Library for this free community event. Advanced registration is requested, as space is limited.
From Catherine Corkery/Sierra Club:
I wanted to share this oped from the Republican State House Committee Chair, Michael Vose, about the necessity of natural gas.
While it has some misinformation and stretches the truth, it is instructional. My hope is to replace the power plants on these industrial sites with clean energy, like solar and battery storage. I attached the recent NYT article on projects just like that. This is the clean energy future we could replicate in NH!!
NY Times: In a Twist, Old Coal Plants can Deliver Renewable Energy
NH Union Leader – October 17, 2023
Access to natural gas keeps our lights on
Rep. Michael Vose
PROPANE and natural gas get a bad rap. Together, they heat 39% of Granite State homes. Both burn far cleaner than conventional heating fuels, which lowers heating system maintenance costs and reduces carbon emissions. The 60% fewer emissions from natural gas also make it far better than oil and coal for generating electricity. With these positive attributes, what gives gas a sour smell? Critics rail against it for not being renewable (even though renewable gas exists) and for being in high demand worldwide, leading to periods of price volatility. Add to that the possibility that pipelines may become a stranded
cost in a future clean energy grid and natural gas comes out looking like a loser.
But far from being a loser, natural gas has allowed the U.S. to lower its emissions more than any other region over the past 15 years, including the European Union. It has helped keep per capita emissions in the Granite State lower than most other states in the country even though we heat 42% of our homes with fuel oil and kerosene. Replacing coal and oil with gas in the generation of electricity has not just lowered emissions nationally but also lowered its cost. Except in New England. The Northeast has the country’s highest electricity costs due to a shortage of natural gas during periods of peak demand.
Getting this high-value fuel to our borders remains difficult due to limited pipeline capacity. Vast reserves of natural gas reside just a couple of hundred miles to our west. But states like New York discourage building pipelines that cross their borders.
Pipelines symbolize our industrialized past in a gleaming modern world. Even though they lie invisible, buried alongside our highways and beneath our city streets, evidenced only by the occasional compressor station, they inspire an intense notin- my-backyard (NIMBY) response from some citizens and localities. These attitudes have consequences. Last winter saw New England burning oil to make 30% to 40% of its electricity during multiple cold snaps that drew away natural gas to heat homes and businesses. There was simply not enough gas to do both. The region also had to depend on its last remaining coal plant during those periods, increasing both emissions and costs.
Such events will only increase in the winters ahead should natural gas generation continue to be subject to fuel scarcity. A recent bid to the regional grid operator by the coal plant in Bow was not low enough to qualify for ISO-NE capacity payments in 2026, which likely means it will shutter its doors soon. Equally troubling, the Mystic Station natural gas plant near Boston has signaled that it plans to close at the end of 2024. Since the plant uses liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Trinidad/ Tobago delivered to the nearby Everett LNG terminal, a shutdown would likely force the closure of that LNG port. This LNG helps support the pressure in the gas pipeline that runs from Boston to the Canadian eastern provinces and its loss could further reduce gas supply from the north.
In a region that needs more natural gas electricity generation, plant closures can only mean trouble. The region came close to rolling blackouts this past winter and will be even more vulnerable if gas supplies get even tighter. Help surfaced recently with news that Enbridge, the owner of the Algonquin natural gas pipeline, has announced an expansion effort it calls Project Maple. This expansion will replace existing smaller diameter pipe with larger-diameter pipe, increasing total capacity by 25%. While it will not be complete until 2029, Project Maple’s design will allow more natural gas from the plentiful
Utica/Marcellus shale deposits in New York and Pennsylvania to reach New England.
Our regional dependence on natural gas for generating electricity stems in part from the need toprovide reliable backup for renewable energy, which operates intermittently. Gas-fired plants can ramp up and down quickly to provide power when the sun goes down and winds subside. Such ramping guarantees that the lights always come on when you flick the switch. People rely on that dependable power. As the parade of presidential candidates marches through New Hampshire this fall, they need to outline how they will address our nation’s energy future. Natural gas has been a boon to the nation in
the past decade and can serve us well in the decades to come.
Rep. Michael Vose (R-Epping) serves as chairman of the House Science, Technology, and Energy Committee.
From NH Energy Education and Action Program (Aubrey Nelson www.nheep.org 603.493.7225)
We are keen to continue to bring energy and climate learning and awareness of green energy careers into classrooms across the state, and we've also started offering programs for adults and families by partnering with community groups, so we’d love for the opportunity to collaborate with you!
NHEEP has traditionally offered hands-on, engaging, NGSS-aligned programs to support energy and climate science/technical learning for students and teachers. Our programs come in a variety of formats:
Hands-on curricular resource and equipment kits (which you can borrow for no or low-cost).
Co-taught workshops (including, but not limited to Green Energy Careers, Electricity & the Environment and Heat Transfer, all of which are free)
Professional development for teachers (there are several free NGSS Toolkit trainings coming up in November in Manchester, Plymouth or online, and these are also free for educators)
Support for teachers and students interested in planning and implementing energy action projects.
High school team action support: Youth Climate Leader’s Academy, which is an engaging year long program to support high school student teams in planning and implementing action projects.
You can visit our website to learn more about our offerings, or call or email me directly. Several of our equipment kits and our co-taught workshops are free thanks to our partnership with NHSaves, so we can discuss what makes the most sense!